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[E] AZDownunderGaming
[E] AZDownunderGaming
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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It's all worth a shot! Like I said before, you are all welcome to play around with it as well if you like =P It is my first effort and there is definately room for improvement.
over 13 years ago
The only pieces I would lose would be a couple in between the pistons but I don't believe they were from a timing issue, I think its just when the pistons crush the melons they jump to the side a bit as well. I found if I changed the delay on the repeaters either way I would lose the stalks in between because the water would wash them away. It's worth playing around with, your welcome to download it and mess with it too. I'll get working on v2! Thanks for the feedback btw!
over 13 years ago
Yeah I reckon I could stack them on top of eachother, I'll definately look into it =D thanks. I'll likely need a much better computer to record it though haha
over 13 years ago
Hey! I'm new here, pretty new to minecraft too. This is my first redstone creation. Its just basically a melon farm, exciting I know... Anyway feedback would be awesome =D Apologies for the laggy video too =( My computer needs to be punted and replaced with a shiny new one. You can also download it and play around with it here: http://adf.ly/4UdFh
over 13 years ago