Song Suggestions (Good Thing I've been listening to nothing but Europop and Dance for the last three days!):
Gotta start with some good Daft Punk (Always a Classic):
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"
"One More Time"
"Face To Face"
"Around the World"
And Moving on:
"My Heart Beats Like a Drum (Dum Dum Dum)" -ATC
"Ecstacy" -ATB
"Interlude" -Attack Attack
"Resurrection" -PPK
"Bass Creator" -Bass Hunter
"Russia Privjet" -Bass Hunter
"Barbara Streisand" -Duck Sauce
"Da Hype" -Junior Jack
"Still Alive" -Mt. Eden
"Bass Down Low (DubStep Remix)" -Multiple
And I have even more suggestions if you want to hear them.
If I had a decent Mic I'd volunteer to do the music. I have a killer vintage sound system. Kenwood 50 WpC amp, JBL 4312A Studio Monitors up front, with a pair of DCM Timeframes in the back. (Not the best speakers, but their drivers make great bass for the backs which mostly just rumble.)
It's vintage; Picked it up at a thrift store for $30. The controls weren't working, so I hit 'em with some connection cleaner and it works like a charm. It's worth about $200-$250 on the market now.