The Walls is back!
Sunday 29th September | 8:00pm GMT (3:00pm EST)
/warp Walls
Tman hosted this event not too long ago, but this is a different arena entirely!
You start in this "quadrant" (one of four) then begin to gather resources. You require food, armour and weaponry to fight off your foes in their seperate quadrants. You are given 15 minutes to do this, after that time, the walls drop. You can't attack before this time (The Walls are made of Bedrock, good luck), but you can prepare a base/fortress.
Wanna play?
Post your ingame name and if you have a partner, you can opt for them too.
There will be 4 teams, you may decide them yourselves but I remain the right to edit them should I feel necessary. (To balance them out)
If we have enough time, multiple games may occur!
If you have questions come shout at me
There's no limit on how many players a team may contain, but the teams must be relatively even.
There's an enchant table, crafting table, wheat and chest full of goodies ready for you to use.
You'll find diamonds are hard to come by...
Mob spawning will be on during the games, watch out for those creepy monsters.
Anyone can play! (Staff) (sawen too)
Bringing items from other events is not allowed. I'll shoot you.
Team 1 - Angels
Team 2 - Greenteam
Team 3 - Tempest
Team 4 - TheChunkeyMonkeys
tell your friends