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[Enjin Archive] Join the MT News team!
Started by [E] TheLucaShow

Hey you!

Yeah you! Do you want to help create and manage the MineTown news? Of course you do son; that is why I am bringing you this oppertunity of a lifetime (not really, im just saying that because we need help)!

Not only do we need some writers for our website version (Which will be posted in the Server news forum) and we need help with graphics, intro's and even some recorders!

We are willing to pay the workers, but we are also accepting volunteers towards this project. The payment will be as follows.

Writers: 1750mtc/episode + being in the MT News end credits

GFX Personnel: Varies (750mtc - 12500mtc) /project + being in the MT News end credits

Recorders: 1250mtc/episode + being in the MT News end credits

Reporters: 1250mtc/episode + being in the MT News episode and end credits

Those are the ranks for now, but we will look more into those as we mature!

Application Form:



In-Game Name:


Experience with youtube:

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner):

What position are you applying for?:

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is english your primary language?: yes / no

(Writer Only) Are you fluent in any other language? If so, what language?: yes/no

(GFX Only) Sample of your GFX?:

(Recorders Only) Can you record at 60fps in 720p?: yes/no

(Recorders Only) Can you forward the video via Dropbox or skype?: yes/no

(Recorders, GFX, and Writers) Do you consent to waving any personal and intelectual copyright for use on youtube and on MineTown?


Thanks for looking into this guys!

Name: Alex

In-Game Name: VVX1000

Age: 18 Gonna be 19 on the 28th september

Experience with youtube: I enjoy watching videos, i used to do some presentations for in game clan groups on various games, but i enjoy reporting even further

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner):nope

What position are you applying for?: Reporter and or writer!

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is english your primary language?: yes it is

(Writer Only) Are you fluent in any other language? If so, what language?: I took enough spanish to read it and type and say some of it.

(GFX Only) Sample of your GFX?:

(Recorders Only) Can you record at 60fps in 720p?: yes/no

(Recorders Only) Can you forward the video via Dropbox or skype?: yes/no

(Recorders, GFX, and Writers) Do you consent to waving any personal and intelectual copyright for use on youtube and on MineTown? Of course! why would i not? Its in good fun isnt it? Plus, as long as my name is in there somewhere as assisting with the writing, I do not mind!
Name: Chris

In-Game Name: a3modz2

Age: 13

Experience with youtube: I have done walk through's editing etc

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner): nope

What position are you applying for?: Reporters and writing!

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is english your primary language?: yes / no Yes

(Recorders Only) Can you record at 60fps in 720p?: yes/no No sadly not, at least not yet?

(Writer Only) Are you fluent in any other language? If so, what language?: yes/no Nope

(Recorders Only) Can you forward the video via Dropbox or skype?: yes/no Yes

(Recorders, GFX, and Writers) Do you consent to waving any personal and intelectual copyright for use on youtube and on MineTown? Of course
Name: Sid.

In-Game Name: OperationNova9.

Age: 14.

Experience with YouTube: I am very experienced with YouTube. I used to have a channel that I discontinued but I know how to gain subscribers and get YouTube partnered quickly and easily.

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner): No.

What position are you applying for?: Writer/Reporter.

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is english your primary language?: yes / no Yes. I have been awarded multiple prizes in school for essay writing and short stories.

(Writer Only) Are you fluent in any other language? If so, what language?: yes/no No.

(GFX Only) Sample of your GFX?: http://i.imgur.com/igeCaKl.png

(Recorders Only) Can you record at 60fps in 720p?: yes/no Not applicable.

(Recorders Only) Can you forward the video via Dropbox or skype?: yes/no Not applicable.

(Recorders, GFX, and Writers) Do you consent to waving any personal and intelectual copyright for use on youtube and on MineTown? Absolutely.
GTLtheLoneWolf's MTNN Application

Name: Colin

In-Game Name: GTLtheLoneWolf

Age: 15

Experience with YouTube: Been a youtuber since 2009

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner): No, was offered to at one point, but then my account got hacked, closed, and reopened, at which point I gave up on posting videos. They weren't that good though, very amateur (bear in mind, I was a lot younger and less mature then)

What position are you applying for?: I'm applying to be a reporter, my computer wouldn't hold up to recording at high fps/quality, and I do enough writing for school.

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is English your primary language?: Yes, it is.

And as a side note, I completely volunteer for this position. As anyone who's done business with me before would know, I don't work for monetary rewards, just to help.
First round of Promotions to the News Team (not an official MT Staff rank.)

VVX1000 - Reporter / Writer

Operation Nova - Writer

I will send you guys a skype message explaining the duties of your jobs (should you accept them)

Name: Angelo

In-Game Name: nielsvijf / bradixr (The bradixr one is still not premium, but I'm gonna buy it real soon and use it as main.)

Age: 12 (Gonna be 13 in 2 weeks).

Experience with youtube: If have an almost abandoned YouTube channel: TheScytheAnimation. I'm good at writing the video description and quickly respond to comments since I'm always on YouTube.

Are you partnered? If so, what network? (Network partner): No, none.

What position are you applying for?: GFX Personnel and Writer

(Writer and Reporters Only) Is english your primary language?: No.

(Writer Only) Are you fluent in any other language? If so, what language?: I speak more fluently in English than primary language. (Literally)

(GFX Only) Sample of your GFX?: Check out my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheScytheAnimation

(Recorders, GFX, and Writers) Do you consent to waving any personal and intelectual copyright for use on youtube and on MineTown? Yes, I do.

Supporting details:

GFX: I've been practicing GFX for almost 4 years now and I am considerable in After Effects CC. I am also good at creating graphic elements.

Writing: I have joined a school contest and reached Nationals Competition in writing last year. I'm very fluent in English.

Skype name: bradixr
Why don't GFX Personnel get to be in the credits? XD
@4790282 wrote:
Why don't GFX Personnel get to be in the credits? XD

Actually, Im changing this to all staff are in the credits, mentioned for their job, since you all deserve credit
Sorry guys ._. my bad typing and reading strikes again xD.

All ranks will be in the Credits. (Depending if the work they have done is being used)

Sorry about that. Hopefully its cleared up!
