Now, let's get to the additions!

This game mode features the spawning of extremely tall mountains of practically every biome reaching all the way up above to clouds to 256 Y-Value!

Falling Particles
In addition, jumping from a certain height triggers these new fall particles!

Mesa Biome
A new biome featuring the spawning of many different types of clay called the Mesa has been added!

Mega Taiga
A new biome featuring huge spruce trees and a new Dirt-like block called Podzal!

Roofed Forest
This new biome is dark due to the dense tree layers and the giant mushrooms!

Sunflower Plains
A new biome with tons of new flowers in it!

Snowless Taiga
It's just like a taiga...without the snow!

Stone Beach
Beaches made of Stone.

Ice Spikes
A new biome with Icicle-like spawns including a new block called Packed Ice!

Very steep biomes composed mainly of Stone.
Different types of trees. They can naturally spawn Horses and NPC Villages! It doesn't rain here either.

Birch Forest
Forests mainly composed of Birch Wood.

Flower Forest
A forest full of flowers!

Deep Ocean
Much deeper than your ordinary oceans!

Extreme Hills+
They have spruce trees.

Fishing Changes
Fishing Rods can now be Enchanted!
Enchantments are:
Luck of the Sea (III) - More likely to catch Treasure
Lure (III) - Easier to hook fish
Treasure List: enchanted fishing rods, enchanted bow, enchanted books, name tags, tripwire hook, lilypads, saddles
Junk List: damaged fishing rods, Water Bottles, rotten flesh, string, leather, bowl, sticks, boots or damaged boots
New Fish: Pufferfish, salmon, clownfish

Achievement and Statistic Changes
Achievements are now per world.
New achievements: Repopulation, Adventuring Time, The Beginning?, The Beginning., and Beaconator
New statistics: Distance by Horse, Junk Fished, and Treasure Fished

Scoreboard Changes
Statistics can now be shown.
Command /summon
This new command can be used to summon any entity or mob including the Ender Dragon, Ender Crystals, and Giants can be legitly obtained without Third-Party programs!

A new fish added! Equivalent to one potato. If eaten, will give Poison IV, Hunger III and Nausea II. Used to brew Water Breathing Potions.

A new fish added! Equivalent to one cooked potato

A new fish added! Equivalent to one raw potato.

Packed Ice
A new block found in Ice Spikes.

New flowers added. Used to craft Rose Red, Orange Dye, Light Gray Dye, and Pink Dye.

Blue Orchid
New flowers added. Used to craft Light Blue Dye.

New flowers added. Used to craft Magenta Dye.

Azure Bluet
New flowers added. Used to craft Light Gray Dye.

Oxeye Daisy
New flowers added. Used to craft Light Gray Dye.

Replace Rose.

Two-Block Tall Flower. They face East. Crafts 2 .

Two-Block Tall Flower.

Two-Block Tall Flower. Crafts 2 Pink Dye.

Rose Bush
Two-Block Tall Flower. Crafts 2 Rose Red.

Double Tall Grass
Twice the height of normal Tall Grass.

Large Fern
Twice the height of normal Ferns.

Sugar Cane Texture Change
The texture is now a darker shade of green when planted!
-Written Books can be cloned in Survival with it and a Book and Quill in a Crafting Table.
-Item Frames now only break when empty and display customly named Items when up-close!
-Weighted Pressure Plates output signals based on the amount of Items on top of them!
-Flint and Steel is now a shapeless recipe! (Finally...xD) It can also be used to ignite Creepers now!
-Dead Bushes can be placed on Hardened Clay and Stained Clay.
Thanks for reading!
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