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[Enjin Archive] Ban Appeal
Started by [E] mlyn148

Username- mlyn148

When I was banned- 8/12/2013

Person who banned me- Darkpsy

Reason why I was banned- Disrespecting Staff and blatant disregard of rules.

Server I was banned from- It was a global ban.

I would like to sincerely apologize to Insert0Name0Here, and any other staff I may have offended. The things I said were not thoroughly thought about before they were sent, and I only meant them as jokes. I hope you forgive me, and do not hold my words against me.

As for the disregard of rules (Which I am assuming are on the PvP on the prison server)- I thought that the warnings only meant for me to PvP LESS. I quote what I was told at the time of the warning: (This is not the exact quote but something close) "If you keep it up, you will be banned." Now I thought that this meant that if I continued killing in the masses, I would be banned. So I PvPed much less than I had been. I also believe that I acted out of boredom, and punching guards in the backs was enjoyable. I am VERY sorry for PvPing, though take notice that I did not disregard the warnings I had received.

I apologize to everyone on the Prison server, for possibly ruining your experience. I hope that I will be able to return in the future.

Hello Mlyn,

First off, I'd like to just ask why you were so sure you were going to be unbanned when speaking to darkpsy, as she regarded your actions?

Edited upon request, stated

myln wrote:
Okey dokey then.

I bet I'll see prison again.

]<object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>

I can tell you, I personally am not going to let you waltz back into Minetown.

Discussing your ban, you can not honestly state that the things you said were jokes. Either way, you had no intention to have them be perceived as a joke, so please do not try to fabricate the appeal any more.

Allow me to indulge you in the reason you were banned, when you submitted a staff report (which is now archived), you broke this rule:

This is the rule you infringed, and this is not the first time we've had problems with you. Another major issue that we've been having with you is staff disrespect, which I would like to point out here is rule #2 on the rules page.


Allow me to also point out some of the instances you broke this:


Here, you specifically call a guard out after previously being told not to speak about the situation. Do not give me the excuse freedom of speech, because I hate to break it to you, but this is not a democracy. Don't get me wrong, Minetown is not fascist, but we have rules in place that you agreed to when you joined the server that protect all the users (and staff). Allow for me to point this out to you:


Both managers of the prison server have recommended a permanent ban from all servers due to your excessive troublemaking, you can try to convince me otherwise, but you need to hit me with hard evidence why you should ever be let back onto minetown.
1. I did not see the section where the 40J83.jpg was, as I did not go straight to the "Guard Ban" thread, and instead created a whole new thread. Had that have popped up, I might have not submitted those guard reports.

2. If you want solid evidence, I have none. It seems your main concern is the disrespect. As I have said, I am sincerely sorry about what I had said, and it was said out of frustration at the guards. If I am unbanned, I will keep all rude/hurtful things I may think about all staff out of minetown.

3. I did not see my actions as major issues, since I read some of the other ban appeals, where people were banned for hacking and griefing large structures and such. When I compared that to what I was banned for, I had seen them as slightly lesser issues. I now realize that what I have done is ruining the experience for other players, and should not have been said/done at all. That being said, this time I do believe my temper got the best of me, and I will keep it in check for future reference.

4. I don't quite feel comfortable with my name being posted in that Skype conversation picture, please remove it.
I hope we can all let bygones be bygones, and that everyone will forgive me. If you choose not to unban me from prison, please have it be only from prison, and allow me to enjoy the other great servers such as skyblock.

@6507638 wrote:
4. I don't quite feel comfortable with my name being posted in that Skype conversation picture, please remove it.

It has been edited for protection, however the dialog will remain.
@6507638 wrote:
1. I did not see the section where the 40J83.jpg was, as I did not go straight to the "Guard Ban" thread, and instead created a whole new thread. Had that have popped up, I might have not submitted those guard reports.

From "40J83 I am assuming you are referencing this image.

Whenever you post anything that accuses any staff of an abuse of power, we take this very seriously and it is not to be posted with fake/malevolent information at all. Even if you did not officially submit a forum where you clicked a check box agreeing to this, this should be common sense not to waste staff's time looking into false issues, lying to us. "I might have not submitted those guard reports", does this imply you understand that what you submitted you knew was fabricated? So you obviously we're lying to staff correct?
@6507638 wrote:
3. I did not see my actions as major issues, since I read some of the other ban appeals, where people were banned for hacking and griefing large structures and such. When I compared that to what I was banned for, I had seen them as slightly lesser issues. I now realize that what I have done is ruining the experience for other players, and should not have been said/done at all. That being said, this time I do believe my temper got the best of me, and I will keep it in check for future reference.

You may not have seen your actions as major issues, but the guards that work their asses off to keep people like you away from people trying to enjoy the game, hence ruining it for them, do take offense and rightfully so. I honestly do not care your temper got a hold of you. If you are becoming enraged, take the same precaution you take when about to drive. If you drive in my state enraged, you can legally get ticked for the offense of road rage. If you're mad at guards, close minecraft. It's really not that hard and is crazy to think you use this as an excuse. Think of it like this though, griefing and hacking is just as much as ruining a player's experience as you have done.
@6507638 wrote:
2. If you want solid evidence, I have none. It seems your main concern is the disrespect. As I have said, I am sincerely sorry about what I had said, and it was said out of frustration at the guards. If I am unbanned, I will keep all rude/hurtful things I may think about all staff out of minetown.

Thank you for your apology, but like I said above, frustration isn't an excuse.
@6507638 wrote:
I hope we can all let bygones be bygones, and that everyone will forgive me. If you choose not to unban me from prison, please have it be only from prison, and allow me to enjoy the other great servers such as skyblock.

This is not how minetown operates. If we let bygones be bygones, we'd have hackers, griefers and scammers running rampant. Either way, you broke Global Rule #2, which applies to all servers.
In answer to the writing under my second quote:

What I meant by that was, had I known that I was capable of losing privileges/ban, I may have reconsidered.

As for using my anger as an excuse:

I have seen the guards ruin the experience for other players as well, with unjust jailings and killings. I decided to try to do something about it, a thind it seems no one cares, so I am putting that behind me now.

And as for Global Rule #2:

I have not had problems with these sorts of things on other servers, and do hope that you will let me enjoy them.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I pray that I will be unbanned from prison and the rest of minetown.
@6507638 wrote:
In answer to the writing under my second quote:

What I meant by that was, had I known that I was capable of losing privileges/ban, I may have reconsidered.

As for using my anger as an excuse:

I have seen the guards ruin the experience for other players as well, with unjust jailings and killings. I decided to try to do something about it, a thind it seems no one cares, so I am putting that behind me now.

And as for Global Rule #2:

I have not had problems with these sorts of things on other servers, and do hope that you will let me enjoy them.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and I do pray that I will be unbanned from prison and the rest of minetown.

It does not matter that you didn't have problems with this on other servers, the fact that's it's a global rule and you had a problem with it on one is enough.

For your anger, all guards are hand selected for the equality and are displaying characteristics that are fair and balanced towards all members, and we do not tolerate any kind of staff abuse. The report you submitted though, did not display any kind of staff abuse or unjust actions staff was preforming.

You admitted you broke a global rule, and you also admitted that if you saw submitting information that is not just/flase in a staff report was bannable, you would not have made the staff report. Staff reports are to be treated as last resort, I'm done with the abuse form of reporting staff to the staff managers. If you even had any doubt, you should not have submitted it.

Your ban has been discussed among a staff manager, and both prison managers, and a mutual agreement of a permanent ban from minetown has been formed due to your actions. We're sorry, but please find another server to vent your anger on.
