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[Enjin Archive] Ban Appeal
Started by Unknown User



I don't Know

I was banned because I griefed the tree farm on the prison server

Prison Server


I am sorry for placing blocks in the tree farm, I had no idea it would result in a BAN I expected a 20min jail time for what I did. However on my Ban it says I griefed the tree farm twice which is not true. I was only jailed for 20mins after being caught placing blocks in the tree farm. After this jailing I did not continue to place blocks. In addition, I did not realize it was possible to be banned for placing blocks in the tree farm, just like pvp it is not aloud but everyone does it I saw no difference. Also to be banned for writing "Mine Town 4 Life" in blocks is ridiculous, I only did it ounce so to banned for it was unfair. I just wish I would have been warned banning was a consequence.
Just a Note: You knew you were griefing and expected a 20m jail? It was a ban because of the severity of it (Sorry if I wasnt allowed to post here)
Um it says 1 reply but it wont let me read it so...
Hello redfridge,

Allow me to extract a sentence from Darkpsy's hard and soft rule clarification thread:
Darkpsy wrote:
- Griefing: This includes building structures, impeding other players' progress, and disrupting normal enjoyment of the server. 1st Offense - 20 minute jail sentence. 2nd Offense - Ban.

These rules are again stated in your player guide you are given at spawn.

It is a serious offence to grief the tree farm, and you massively griefed. Like, out of proportion. This was probably the largest grief the prison staff had to clean up.

So you decided it was okay to do this because you thought you'd just be slapped on the wrist with jail time? It doesn't work that way, you were previously found griefing the treefarm and were jailed then. Because you griefed it again, you're banned, as stated in Dark's clarification thread.

Saying writing minetown 4 life in blocks and getting banned is ridicules, but think of it this way:

If somebody spray painted the capital building with "Murica rulez", do you think they would just be let off and smiled upon? Your logic is in fact, illogical.

You are obviously not sorry for placing these blocks if you expected to be jailed, it's crazy to think otherwise.

Now, explain to me, that you've read all the rules, went over all guides, and abide to these agreements and we can consider a possible unban.
I'm sorry for griefing the tree farm. I know if I am unbanned I will be more responsible and not allow something like this to ever happen again. I am deeply sorry for causing the staff on the prison server to waste time cleaning up my mess. I've spent Hours like 100's on this server, I hope you will believe me when I say I would never do something to jeperdise that again. Please for give me for my actions and unban me soon.

Thank you for reading

- redfridge9000

PS: I dont know if I can "explain" to you ive read the rules but I can promise you I have. I would'nt want to be banned again If I was to be unbanned

PSS: I would just like u to know i was jailed ounce after I griefed the tree farm that was because i tried taking it down the guards didnt like that and told me to stop but i didnt so i got jailed with 3 others who were also taking it down. The second time i was jailed was because when i got out of jailed i spawned in the tree farm. I wasnt at the computer at the time but when i came back i was jailed again so...

Anyways I did not grief the tree farm twice only ounce I just want you to know that. I was never told you will be banned if you do this again, i just kept playing and 1 day later i was banned.
sorry for the spelling errors
Hello redfridge9000,
I would just like u to know i was jailed ounce after I griefed the tree farm that was because i tried taking it down the guards didnt like that and told me to stop but i didnt so i got jailed with 3 others who were also taking it down.

Why would you continue doing something you were told to stop? That sounds to me like you don't care about the rules.
The second time i was jailed was because when i got out of jailed i spawned in the tree farm. I wasnt at the computer at the time but when i came back i was jailed again so...

In your original post, you said you were jailed once. Now you are saying you were jailed twice. As XCoaster pointed out to you, the consequences are very clearly laid out in the rules. Given your appeal so far, it is clear you didn't read any of the rules, including the wall of signs saying DO NOT BUILD right in front of the tree farm.

What I would like to know is, why did you choose to ignore the rules AND the wall of signs?
I guess I did it just because I was bored and it was something to do but I can tell you that I will not do anything that would risk banning if i was unbanned. However I Must repeat I Did Not Grief The Tree Farm Twice, I am not lieing plz can you show me proof when I was given a first warning by a guard.
You were first jailed on July 19th-20th by me for building in the tree farm, as indicated here:


The griefing is further illustrated by this:


Going forward to the second griefing, which took place on July 31st to August 1st, you were jailed by Hayden775 and the note was added by tman_103:


Here is the evidence that lead to your ban:


You were caught griefing the tree farm twice, as we do have logs to prove it. Saying you did it for fun isn't good enough, and only means you'd probably do it again if you got "bored".

The punishment for griefing is a ban ranging from 2 weeks to permanent. You do not seem to show remorse in what you have done, and you lied about the number of times you griefed the tree farm. You will remain banned until October 1st, 2013. This would be a 2 month ban.

I must warn you that the punishment will be more severe if you continue to grief the tree farm after you're unbanned.
