The last time mains border was reset was in like 1.4 when jungles came out, i think its time the border expands so we can get all the new good stuff, the world is also crowded we could use with more space cause there is hardly any free land thats not within 100 blocks than another build..
I wouldn't get too attached to Main if I were you, with the revamp coming I have heard of a new main server coming out and other of that sort of things.
Well you see most of the time they make a new server its populated for about 2-3 months. Then everyone gose back to Main so i think there sould still be a border expansion for people who will want to stay on main to finish there cites etc...
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the health of MT
What tarantula is saying is that the main world border should be expanded. New chunks can then be generated with all the new stuff. It happened before.
@1787762 wrote:
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the hearth of MT

The thing about main is, theres this massive fucking ocean on damn near every side, build in the sky over the ocean.
@1151854 wrote:
@1787762 wrote:
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the hearth of MT

jimbo493 wrote:
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the health of MT
Of course we need an expansion. If i heard correctly the revamp is going to happen gradually not all at once. so there's nothing to wait for. Danni even said herself the revamp was only mentioned because of all of the "Minetown is dieing threads" so maybe we need to also enable tnt in the nether like i have been asking as well. I know what i say keeps getting annoying when i have to say it over and over, but if you would just fix it i would stop bothering you. also add horse eggs to the admin shop. because i want a horse...
@1787762 wrote:
@1151854 wrote:
@1787762 wrote:
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the hearth of MT

jimbo493 wrote:
If you are referring to Main2(Agharta) It is only being renovated, but, its been said before, main will always stay, and be the health of MT
As a forum mod, I can see when/how you edit your posts with the post history. Nice try though <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object> Don't sweat it, we all poke fun at each other <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object> Roll with it.