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[Enjin Archive] League of Legends Tournament, parte dos!
Started by [E] Irethena

What Coffeey means:

There's several players who are really good at LoL. It would be fun to see who's the best of those.

If we decide to go 2v2, those people are likely to end up forming teams. That way they don't get to know who's better as an individual.
if we did a 2v2 tournament it wouldn't be who is the better individual it is who has the best teamwork, and league of legends is a game based off teamwork, not individual strength.
Ok, but then this tournament will be about who you know and not what you can do, in that case. I think it would be more fair if you couldn't rely on anyone.
If you have a challenger tier friend kudos to you ^^, but i for one am going to not drag my friend in challenger tier into a friendly competition but it is part of the game, if you cant beat the best you cannot expect to win, and if someone can 1v2 while carrying a friend they deserve the win.
@1104226 wrote:
If you have a challenger tier friend kudos to you ^^, but i for one am going to not drag my friend in challenger tier into a friendly competition but it is part of the game, if you cant beat the best you cannot expect to win, and if someone can 1v2 while carrying a friend they deserve the win.

I'd rather have a 1v1, 3v3, or full blown 5v5. 2v2 on Howling abyss sucks. 1v1s are better for it, by FAR. This game is about teamwork, correct, however, it is about teamwork in groups of 5 and 3. It was not balanced around groups of 2. Due to how there are sololanes, the game has also been partially balanced around 1v1s.

Until Magma Chamber is released, 2v2s are a bad idea.
Magma chamber in theory is the same as howling abyss, there are some differences but not like its summoners rift, league of legends has a lot of duo work from ganking mid or solo top to the duo synergy in botlane. and the 2v2 is better in my opinion because it wouldnt totaly change the gameplay from the 1v1 feel but would also introduce the teamwork aspect where 1v1 is only a select amount of champions and whoever has last pick has the advantage for they can counter their opponent, where in 2v2 there is a much larger champion pool, in a 2v2 supports and tanks would acctualy have a place where as in 1v1 its mostly bruisers and single target assasins. The selection of champions in a 2v2 that are viable is probably triple or more than the selection in a 1v1.
Magma chamber is FAR different from Howling Abyss. No increased gold, mana, exp. No reduction on healing, and it has a built in end feature.

Over 100 champions currently released are viable for 1v1 matchups. In the 1v1 matchup it should be a best 2/3 so that whoever got first pick one game does not get it again. The "2v2" experience the game is balanced around, such as botlane and ganking, is not what will happen in this tournament. The experience of "getting ganks" will play absolutely no role in a 2v2 matchup on Howling Abyss because you will not buy wards, you will not try to freeze the minion waves, and you will not be calling in for ganks from the jungler because there is no jungle.
even in best 2/3 someone still gets last pick twice if it goes that long, botlane is a perfect example of how 2v2 synergy works and when i talk about ganks it talks about how you have to combo skills to achieve something other than realying on just your damage and stuns which tbh isn't in the heart of the game. If you watched the allstars 1v1 on magma chamber many of the players just gave up when they knew they had lost because their champion was useless at a certain point. Try playing top lane sona and tell me any champion is viable in 1v1. at a certain point most champions become useless in 1v1 if that point is at the start of the game, or when it becomes mid game its just a matter of time till the small percent of good 1v1 champions win. If over 100 champions worked in 1v1 there would be no reason to restrict the champions someone can play to 5-10 picks. and there would be no point in bans. Also magma chamber in heart is the same as howling abyss there are some differences, but the map will most likely not be what we play the tournament on because it will not be out as far as i know.
I think the idea of a concurrent 1v1 and 3v3 tourny is a good idea.

I think oki has the right idea on 3v3 instead of 2v2.

Im willing to donate an extra 1.5 million mtc for the 3v3 tourny if it is held.