Username: Carsickbee
When you were banned : It was about a year ago I can't remember.
Person who banned you: I don't know who banned me.
Reason you were banned: For Griefing somebody.
Server: ( Main and Tekkit)
Once when I was playing on Mine Town and my old friend PkmnMewTwo decided to grief someones house. Before I could report it I was banned for griefing. Then I go to the Tekkit server and my friend Flabeydew told me that he wants to destroy his house and I did he told me that he was making a new house and he wants me to put everything in a pile! Then the next day I found out I was banned and I call Flabeydew and he told me he trolled me he was also banned by the way, anyway it would be really helpful if you guys can make sure I could come back and pkmnMewTwo is banned! Also please consider it because this was a year ago and I been hunting for better servers but Mine Town was the best good job guys and thank for your time and cooperation i am sorry if i caused any trouble to the server.
carsickbee aka v3lo is back!
When you were banned : It was about a year ago I can't remember.
Person who banned you: I don't know who banned me.
Reason you were banned: For Griefing somebody.
Server: ( Main and Tekkit)
Once when I was playing on Mine Town and my old friend PkmnMewTwo decided to grief someones house. Before I could report it I was banned for griefing. Then I go to the Tekkit server and my friend Flabeydew told me that he wants to destroy his house and I did he told me that he was making a new house and he wants me to put everything in a pile! Then the next day I found out I was banned and I call Flabeydew and he told me he trolled me he was also banned by the way, anyway it would be really helpful if you guys can make sure I could come back and pkmnMewTwo is banned! Also please consider it because this was a year ago and I been hunting for better servers but Mine Town was the best good job guys and thank for your time and cooperation i am sorry if i caused any trouble to the server.