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[Enjin Archive] PredSpread Ban Appeal
Started by [E] #PredSpread

Username: PredSpread

When you were banned : 22/06/2013

Person who banned you: I'm not 100% sure, but I'm fairly sure DanniDorrito

Reason you were banned: "Complaints from the staff and you were warned not to get in trouble"

Server: Prison (actually, it was all servers)
Hi PredSpread,

You were banned on the prison server, as you know, for insulting staff. If the I got the story strait, you were initially permanently jailed and muted on the prison server during beta, for breaking rule #2:

2. Be Respectful to Staff

This was during the beta and you were pardoned though. Once the full server released, reports were recieved that you were once again breaking rule #2 of disrespecting and harassing staff members. I can post logs if you so request, but inflicted staff's names will be concealed.

You've been banned twice before for issues of the sort (In my viewing ability):


and here)

and your ban is currently being processed and reviewed by the ban committee and other staff.

Now you will be perma-banned on jail regardless the result of this ban appeal, but do you have any remorse for your actions? You've done this repeatedly, honestly why should we let you back if you were to just repeat history? There is no excuse for staff disrespect, if you have an issue with one, report them. Don't let your anger out on them.

Please explain whether you are (or aren't) remorseful for your actions, and allow staff to discuss your ban.

Thank you.
I was muted for the whole day and such I could not speak in global.

I would like to see the logs please.

Edit: The first ban I received was a minor offense at first which blew up in my face after I got aggravated by the situation.

The second ban I received was even more minor and I actually spoke about the staff member involved in local chat and did not actually aggravate any situation.

Edit 2: I would greatly appreciate it if you could come onto Mumble and talk to me personally about the situation XC, recorded if you want I don't care.
Ask and you shall receive

2013-06-22 10:41:29 PredSpread issued server command: /tell ___ he attacked danny.

2013-06-22 10:41:40 ___ issued server command: /r Does not matter.

2013-06-22 10:41:45 ___ issued server command: /r Not your issue to interfere.

2013-06-22 10:41:46 PredSpread issued server command: /tell ___ you are blind

2013-06-22 10:41:51 ___ issued server command: /r Are I?

2013-06-22 10:42:01 ___issued server command: /r *Am I?

2013-06-22 10:42:01 PredSpread issued server command: /r must be if you didnt see it

2013-06-22 10:42:10 ___ issued server command: /r I saw it, but you are not supposed to interfere.

2013-06-22 10:42:15 ___ issued server command: /r Are you a staff member?

2013-06-22 10:42:40 PredSpread issued server command: /r you're an idiot lmfao.

2013-06-22 10:42:46 ___ issued server command: /r Read the rules.

2013-06-22 10:42:50 PredSpread issued server command: /r they were having a fist fight you idiot

2013-06-22 10:42:55 PredSpread issued server command: /r noob guard

2013-06-22 11:27:03 PredSpread issued server command: /tell ___ THAT WAS ALL THE TIMES YOU TROLLED ME SAYING ___ YOU FUCK

More logs are flowing in as Danni takes them from the console. If she has more, she can post them here. You can still /tell even after you'r'e muted.

Edit to your edit: I'll hop in mumble soon, please give me a few minutes.

Edit #2 More Logs:

2013-06-22 01:39:31 DanniDorrito issued server command: /unjail predspread

2013-06-22 01:39:39 DanniDorrito issued server command: /unmute predspread

2013-06-21 12:09:06 PredSpread issued server command: /l gay

2013-06-21 12:09:10 PredSpread issued server command: /g DIS IS GAI

2013-06-22 07:22:58 PredSpread issued server command: /tell xxxx ___ is a joke

2013-06-22 07:24:00 PredSpread issued server command: /r pathetic

2013-06-22 07:24:56 PredSpread issued server command: /r because he knows i am right

2013-06-22 07:28:18 PredSpread issued server command: /tell ___ you have infinite kits, gimme a kit

2013-06-22 07:28:27 PredSpread issued server command: /tell ___ and i promise i wont murder you 24/7

2013-06-22 07:29:38 PredSpread issued server command: /r yes you can.

2013-06-22 07:29:43 ___ issued server command: /r nope

2013-06-22 07:29:44 PredSpread issued server command: /r its called bribery

2013-06-22 07:29:49 PredSpread issued server command: /r infact, its not even that

2013-06-22 07:29:54 ___ issued server command: /r yes it is

2013-06-22 07:29:56 PredSpread issued server command: /r if you dont give me a /kit, i'll just bully you-
I did not know the filter was disabled. If you posted the rest of the logs, I said, "/filter" as I thought it would censor the word.

Opnova had been online most of the day and he was frustrated with me as I were with him. He was acting unnecessarily biased against me and persisted in chasing me most of the time. Regarding the situation at the time, Danny and Gashll had been having a conformed fist fight which both agreed to. Everybody knew this and was watching the fight happen, except for Opnova who decided he would instead batter Danny for touching a guard.

I do, very much, respect the guards and staff of the server. Everybody, to my knowledge, was enjoying their time on the server. I "interfered" with the fight by retaliating to being hit in order to survive the PVP that was taking place. I took it upon myself, also, to help Danny in his current situation as he was being attacked. Opnova actually saw this but did not react to it as he was preoccupied in waiting for me to do something wrong in order to try and kill me again. This greatly antagonised the whole situation and I was pretty much forced to protect my friends myself.

The second one was a joke with Evanskis. To my knowledge, it has not been reported. The joke was exactly that - a joke. Evanskis and I are very similar and he used to troll me (and everybody else) with coming on and saying "PSGB" and "PSGB will rise". There was no malice in my words to him and I was unaware that the filter was not working or disabled.

Viewing the second set of logs I can see that these reports from both Opnova and Insert are from frustration. I had killed Insert about 8 times today and it was understandable that he was frustrated. Opnova did not know the commands to jail me and as such he was frustrated and so filed the report, knowing that there was no reason to legitimately report me and the logs will show that I have actually been quite polite for my standard in reference to the example of the /tell chat between myself and VVX, who has now joined our clan, amongst others.

The chat that I had in the second set of logs were private and I did not advertise them to the public. I was simply speaking to a Minetown member about my opinions of a certain member of staff whose name shall remain for all respects confidential as the issue has now been resolved after talking to him/her in Mumble.

The second part of the second set of logs were to Insert and in them I asked for a /kit in an attempt to bribe him with the promise that I will not attack him (which comes later on in the chat). He declined, which is completely in his right to be a straight and proper fashioned prison guard and as such I went through with my promise of killing him and killed him, as written above, eight times. The report was completely out of frustration and had no proper backing to it.

Edit: the section of the logs where I typed "/l gay" and "/g this is gai" were simply to test if my chat functions were working after the promise of an unmute from Danni which can be seen in the screenshot below:

Permission has been given to post in this appeal

I would just like to point out that there is more to the conversation that Predspread and I had. I do not have any screenshots but I am sure the logs show that you didn't just ask for the kit one time, but many. One of the last messages, is the one that made me decide to report. You clearly threatened me by saying "Don't say you haven't been warned" then presumed to kill me many times after that.
@809621 wrote:
I would just like to point out that there is more to the conversation that Predspread and I had. I do not have any screenshots but I am sure the logs show that you didn't just ask for the kit one time, but many. One of the last messages, is the one that made me decide to report. You clearly threatened me by saying "Don't say you haven't been warned" then presumed to kill me many times after that.

I would like to know what exactly I have done wrong from doing this. The server is RP, therefore, you RP. The idea of RP is that you pretend as if the whole thing is roleplay. I threatened to kill you if you didn't fulfill my wishes by giving me your kit. You didn't do this, and so I carried out my promise that I would do what I said I would do. Doing this was not against any of the server rules and so it should not count against my case.

It should be also noted that guards are allowed to be bribed.
Thanks PredSpread for posting your ban appeal. You have showed great one sided arguments toward your point to being unbanned, but you have failed to show and explain the rest of your actions. In no situations was I biased, check the logs for yourself. I responded in a mediated manner, and I was not looking for any reason to kill you. Also, I was upholding the rules completely and resisting the urge to kill you even though I could tell that you were doing things behind my back. You showed excessive amounts of PVP, and you were consistently using inappropriate language toward staff members.

The fist-fight incident was actually not my fault. I was not connected to Mumble at the time and I had no understanding it were to happen. I dealt with the events as I was supposed to and therefore I do not see why that should get you unbanned.

And no, you do not, respect the staff. You called me a noob, an idiot, and was using methods of 'bullying' toward the staff members in the two logs. But sorry, you cannot 'bully' a staff member, and therefore yes, I was a bit mad at you. But, I do not put my anger in game or on the forums. I spoke to you in the mediated fashion that I have set aside for rule breakers. If you check the logs, that is actually considerably nice.

Next, I was never looking to kill you. You were actually breaking the rules a lot today, and I was keeping a proportionate eye on you as well with other member's that were excessively PVP'ing and breaking the rules. It may seem that I wanted to kill you at that time, but I actually had other priorities. I am sorry you did not get the attention you wanted.

Also, you can protect yourself. But that is PVP, so I can kill you. I killed all the attackers and I was AFK at the time during most of the fist-fight. I do not recall you having to defend yourself, and I am apologize for not being there. I should have put myself off duty, but I had to deal with some issues on Skype.

I knew the commands to jail. I don't know where you got that from, but I forgot to put the time in the command, but I later edited it. I recall you screaming at me in caps saying 'YOU PERMAJAILED ME', but, in fact, when I asked you to look again, you responded with 'oh ok'.

In all, this is more of a report on how I am a very biased guard. I do not see any valid reasons of why the staff should unban you. You have clearly broken the substantial rules that are very important toward the server, and I would doubt that any unban would be taken place. You have no clear explanation why you were being rude, and breaking the rules set aside for users.

Not once have I broken any of the staff guidelines, and it has been confirmed that I was AFK during you being attacked. Most of the staff would not like you back on the sever, and majority of the members seem to have a disliking toward you. You have shown that you really do not care for the rules of Minetown, and especially those of the Prison server.

It is quite obvious that you are not a wanted member here at Minetown prison, and if you do return, we will be keeping an eye on you, whether you like it or not.
@1123647 wrote:
Thanks PredSpread for posting your ban appeal. You have showed great one sided arguments toward your point to being unbanned, but you have failed to show and explain the rest of your actions. In no situations was I biased, check the logs for yourself. I responded in a mediated manner, and I was not looking for any reason to kill you. Also, I was upholding the rules completely and resisting the urge to kill you even though I could tell that you were doing things behind my back. You showed excessive amounts of PVP, and you were consistently using inappropriate language toward staff members.

The fist-fight incident was actually not my fault. I was not connected to Mumble at the time and I had no understanding it were to happen. I dealt with the events as I was supposed to and therefore I do not see why that should get you unbanned.

And no, you do not, respect the staff. You called me a noob, an idiot, and was using methods of 'bullying' toward the staff members in the two logs. But sorry, you cannot 'bully' a staff member, and therefore yes, I was a bit mad at you. But, I do not put my anger in game or on the forums. I spoke to you in the mediated fashion that I have set aside for rule breakers. If you check the logs, that is actually considerably nice.

Next, I was never looking to kill you. You were actually breaking the rules a lot today, and I was keeping a proportionate eye on you as well with other member's that were excessively PVP'ing and breaking the rules. It may seem that I wanted to kill you at that time, but I actually had other priorities. I am sorry you did not get the attention you wanted.

Also, you can protect yourself. But that is PVP, so I can kill you. I killed all the attackers and I was AFK at the time during most of the fist-fight. I do not recall you having to defend yourself, and I am apologize for not being there. I should have put myself off duty, but I had to deal with some issues on Skype.

I knew the commands to jail. I don't know where you got that from, but I forgot to put the time in the command, but I later edited it. I recall you screaming at me in caps saying 'YOU PERMAJAILED ME', but, in fact, when I asked you to look again, you responded with 'oh ok'.

In all, this is more of a report on how I am a very biased guard. I do not see any valid reasons of why the staff should unban you. You have clearly broken the substantial rules that are very important toward the server, and I would doubt that any unban would be taken place. You have no clear explanation why you were being rude, and breaking the rules set aside for users.

Not once have I broken any of the staff guidelines, and it has been confirmed that I was AFK during you being attacked. Most of the staff would not like you back on the sever, and majority of the members seem to have a disliking toward you. You have shown that you really do not care for the rules of Minetown, and especially those of the Prison server.

It is quite obvious that you are not a wanted member here at Minetown prison, and if you do return, we will be keeping an eye on you, whether you like it or not.

OK, let's address all of these issues on a point-by-point basis.
You have showed great one sided arguments toward your point to being unbanned

As have you in your reply.
I was not looking for any reason to kill you

So you followed me around for at least half an hour doing nothing?
You showed excessive amounts of PVP, and you were consistently using inappropriate language toward staff members.

The first part of this statement is true. However, you are a guard and if you felt the need to do so had every opportunity to jail me. The language quoted was the only inappropriate language used and I apologise for it (even though you had greatly aggravated the situation at the time).
The fist-fight incident was actually not my fault. I was not connected to Mumble at the time and I had no understanding it were to happen. I dealt with the events as I was supposed to...

It should be noted that it is a requirement of all staff members of Minetown that you are willing and able to connect to mumble. The fist fight was declared in chat and everybody apart from you acknowledged this.
And no, you do not, respect the staff. You called me a noob, an idiot, and was using methods of 'bullying' toward the staff members in the two logs.

I see normal members calling other normal members this all the time. I did not excessively harass you and only used the command /tell to contact you when I thought it was necessary. The language I used is reprehensible and I regret using it yet I had a valid point - you do not know how to jail me (otherwise you would not have asked Gashll to perform the command for you) and do not have an understanding of how RP works.
Next, I was never looking to kill you. You were actually breaking the rules a lot today, and I was keeping a proportionate eye on you as well with other member's that were excessively PVP'ing and breaking the rules.

Simply untrue. You followed me around for most of my time and even tried to "revenge kill" me (i.e. after I killed someone you waited for me to return and attempted to slay me) on a number of occasions.
But sorry, you cannot 'bully' a staff member...

I attempted to give him an offer that he could not refuse which he refused and therefore I killed him on a number of occasions. The server is a roleplaying server and should be treated as such by both guards and prisoners and not just prisoners. I threatened to bully him which it is completely in my power to do so and if he thought it necessary and needed extra help had every opportunity to ask a higher powered guard with diamond armour protection IV and a sharpness IV diamond sword to attempt to kill me and/or jail me for my actions, hence the nature of a roleplaying server.
Also, you can protect yourself. But that is PVP, so I can kill you.

I did protect myself, yes, but saying I safezoned (when it is perfectly in my right to do so as I have not directly attacked you) is incorrect and you should not pester me about it.
I recall you screaming at me in caps saying 'YOU PERMAJAILED ME', but, in fact, when I asked you to look again, you responded with 'oh ok'.

Very true. I'd expect everybody in this situation to react in this manner as being permanently jailed is an extreme punishment only to be used when a player breaks the interworld rules (i.e. hacking, glitching, modding, bug exploiting, persistant foul language, etc.)
I knew the commands to jail. I don't know where you got that from...

I recall you complaining to me about the fact that I had PVP'd and issued me with a number of warnings but never actually jailing me. I genuinely believed that you did not know how to jail me as I had been PVPing for quite some time.
In all, this is more of a report on how I am a very biased guard. I do not see any valid reasons of why the staff should unban you. You have clearly broken the substantial rules that are very important toward the server, and I would doubt that any unban would be taken place. You have no clear explanation why you were being rude, and breaking the rules set aside for users.

This is a ban appeal, not a report of your bias. I have broken no rules to any bannable extent. I do have an explanation to why I was being "rude" (although my language was never meant to offend but more to get my point across) and it was because you had been following me around for most of my time on the server and had asked me, on a number of occasions, to perform tasks that I was simply not able to perform (/sword when I didn't have a sword, etc.)
Not once have I broken any of the staff guidelines, and it has been confirmed that I was AFK during you being attacked. Most of the staff would not like you back on the sever, and majority of the members seem to have a disliking toward you.

I am not complaining about you being AFK when I was attacked whatsoever. I am complaining about Danny being attacked and you doing nothing to stop the perpetrators. It is the guard's duty to intervene when PVP occurs and not doing so is not doing your job (when you simply stood and wandered about looking at the person punching Danny). To my knowledge, there are very very few staff members who do not want me back on the server who are not guards. I firmly believe that both of these reports have been filed, not as a report, but more of a method to get rid of me from the server because I am better in the PVP sense.

In my defence, I quote a post from darkpsy posted 10 hours ago at the link http://www.minetown.net/forum/m/672632/viewthread/7536973-jailed-for-infair-reasons in which she clearly states:
PvP is an offense no matter how many times an Officer or Sergeant sees you do it. Officers can kill for PvP offenses, and Sergeants can jail if requested by an Officer. Using third-person mode is unfair when used to spot PvP happening behind you.

PVP is a common factor of the prison server. It will happen and the only thing you can do is jail or kill. You cannot permanently ban someone for killing people too many times or threatening to kill them as this is the roleplay nature of the server.

Again, I quote Dragonness in the post of http://www.minetown.net/forum/page/2/m/672632/viewthread/7490276-prison-server and she also states:
The rules on Prison are easy if you are familiar with the concept of roleplaying. PVP is not sanctioned, but under certain circumstances is "allowed".......... Prisoners don't "randomly" walk up to a guard and start punching without expecting retaliation.

Why is targetting Insert any different? You were annoyed that I had been PVPing which is not a bannable offence. My language was restricted and there was one issue of me using the words "idiot" and "noob" towards Opnova who greatly aggravated the situation as the rest of the language was in private and not meant to be revealed and used against me when I had clearly not said it in global or to anyone who may have reported it.

I also reference to the rules as Danni brings up my private conversations with parties not involved in this situation:
Use /tell for private conversations

My conversations with Evanskis (evidence one) and Leo (evidence two) and commands testing to see if I was unmuted were both never meant to be discussed outside of the privacy of /tell (which it is clear from the fact it is being used against me is not private) and, even if it were, I was muted and could not publically advertise this.

I have spoken to XC about the possibility of a permanent or lengthy mute which I have absolutely zero problems with. This would stop me from globally announcing things which prisoners and guards alike may find inappropriate.

I would also like to mention the number of staff that find my ban unnecessary. I shall not mention any names but they may speak out and to my knowledge have spoken against this ban. And of course, the normal prisoners do not want me unbanned because I have killed them.

Thank you for reading this 2000-or-so word appeal post.
First and foremost. You were not followed around. I do not recall following you around. I was, like I said, keeping a substantial eye on you as I did with the other potential prisoners who might disobey the rules. I was chasing you after you had attacked other prisoners. I would like to move forward from this topic though because in no way this a bannable offence. Also, you did have a sword. You did something that I cannot recall 100% that involved you switching swords with another prisoner and removing any contraband items from your inventory. The next time something like this happens I will speak to a warden and have both prisoners go through a complete search.

Also, you have broken a very critical rule, which is respecting staff. You consistently disrespected staff member, and your language under no circumstances was appropriate.

Also, let's set this straight. I actually liked you, before I came on the server this morning. I had seen you on the forums, and you seemed nice. But, I was proved wrong by going online. I warned you consistently over and over again because I was lenient. I am quite familiar with this server and I am very knowledgeable and know how to jail and mute.

Next up, I would like to move this topic forward. Just please tell me and the rest of the staff of why you should be unbanned and I will take that into consideration with the rest of the staff. You have shown that you do in fact care about your server, and I appreciate your great post validating and addressing each topic I have brought up in my reply.

Thanks to you, I will talk to staff about not having a Mumble. I do not remember seeing any post saying it is mandatory to have a Mumble. I do not expect to have any further say in this ban appeal, but I will keep on watching this thread to sort out any problems that may occur.