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[Enjin Archive] Prison Game - What did you do?
Started by [E] krisz

You would think that my pleasant facial expressions would indicate a life of joy and pleasure, but then why would I end up in a hole such as this anyway? I play by the rules, heck they made me read em before I was even allowed to play! Nearly two years later, and the rules stay the same. Is it really a crime to say that every once in a while, the logs can lie?! Alright, alright.....I'm getting ahead of myself. Note that in all criminal stories, the views of the prisoner are completely biased; this is no exception. This is a story that began in and ended in miscommunication, with no chance of ban appeal.

Let me think back...about....3 days. The blocky sun provided a gorgeous radiance above my square physique. Not too long ago, the server had undergone some sort of maintenance leaving the use of certain plugins temporarily disabled. I had figured I would go to work in my recently purchased plot, after all, rules are rules: 2 weeks and no cobblestone/wooden plank constructions or you will be evicted (same old same old). This town wasn't a kingdom, yet it wasn't some construct thrown up on a whim. Residents were calm, with the occasional "you stole my diamond pick" or "he won't leave my plot", but this is to be expected in every town or city.

A brisk walk across a stone brick road led me to my 20x20 residential plot with a sign reminding me of the rules, as if I hadn't read them a thousand times already. Naturally, I began to plop down a basic wall surrounding the plot to temporarily pass off as a house. As I crafted and placed down a wooden door, I glanced out of my makeshift window (That is a 2x2 hole in the wall) and took a look at everyone else's plots. Random bricks and wool were out of place, some minor flooding here and there. Not to say that the houses were of any magnificence, but they looked awkward to the point that even I knew it was unintentional. I approached the plots with a feather and came to realize that the region was unprotected. I messaged a moderator explaining the situation, and had received this as a reply:

From StarGazer27: The block logs are temporarily down so we can't help right now, however, if you see this happen

From StarGazer27: again or see the person doing it, let us know.

The day came and went. The following day, I logged on and noticed even more mayhem around the city: fountains were broken and flooding, houses were in even more of a shamble state, and I guarantee that chests had been looted. Again, I was puzzled and hurried back to inspect my chest for any theft. As I approached my humble abode, I saw yet another player. Diamond pick with an enchantment shimmer around it. In addition to this, chunks of stone brick had been removed from the very place I had set them.

Hayden775: Hey, do you know anything about this?

The player still had the generic Steve skin, which led me to believe that he was either a new player or didn't know how to change his appearance. He (or she) had stared at me for about a minute before proceeding to the nearby summer home of another player and began to break away at the walls.

Hayden775: Hey! What are you doing?!

I didn't think twice before messaging the moderator once more. My fatal flaw was going into my chest and pulling out a sleek, shiny diamond sword with the player's name on it. Creeping up behind his back, I went for the kill (surprisingly easy due to the fact he had no armor). When he fell to the mighty blows, an explosion of cobble, wood, glowstone and other randomly assorted items were tossed around the vicinity, most of which I picked up. When the moderator arrived, there was no one around but me; sword in hand with the missing blocks littered across the pathway.

So there's my story. Whether you wish to believe it or not is up to you. Oh, hold on, I have to go. The kitchen is serving fresh gruel and I don't want to be last in line again!
Another reason why I got into prison is cause I dropped the soap in front of sawine

and Danni got pissed... again
I was standing right outside of "Diamonds and Porkchops trusted bank", loaded with a Blockgun 3000, tuck underneath my iron chestplate (which by the way was really uncomfortable). I waited for my friends to signal me on when to come in because they were going to sneak in from the back to take out the security guards and cameras. I heard someone shout, and I knew it was time. I walked in through the front doors and took out my Blockgun 3000, my friends walk in through the back hallways. Everyone just stood still for a moment and then I said "GET DOWN ON THE POTATO GROUND NOW!", everyone was down on the ground and at that moment I knew the heist truly started.

3 of us went to the bank vault while 1 of my friends kept watch on the hostages. We planted a piece of TNT on the bank vault, when it exploded there was a hole in the vault and we were in. There were chest full of Diamonds and Porkchops. Each of us took out a portable chest and quickly started to fill them up with diamonds and porkchops. When we were almost done we heard gun shots, at that moment we knew that the police had arrived.

We quickly ran to the front doors of the bank and saw a group of police men loaded with guns. We all took cover behind the walls, the friend who was watching the hostages has been shot and got arrested by the police. We each took out our guns and shot at the group of police men, a few of them went down but more rushed in. Another one of my friends got gunned down. There were only two of us left, we quickly ran to the back door but there were already a whole bunch of police men there. My only friend left with me got knock out when we were trying to escape though the back. I was the only one left and I was trapped, so I dropped my gun and surrendered. I was arrested, and got brought to Minetown Prison to serve my time. My friends went to other Prisons to serve their time, so all of us got split up. That's my story on how I ended up in Minetown Prison.

Got some ideas from Payday <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>.
I licked matt :3
I look over the corner of the table, my heart is beating like crazy::

A sudden voice sprouts from the darkness:: "Help... Me..."

I launch myself over the table, bullets fly across my path, I move to the counter, where the Swiss watches are stored, they look glamorous, but my goal has been fractured. My priorities have been directed towards my fallen partner, his slow moans of pain muffled by the duck tape.

I can only just see his legs poking out of the corner, so close but so far. Another voice appeared "There's one behind the counter!"

Bullets fly past my position, Im directed away from my partner, his sounds of pain changed to mere horror as his injured body is mutilated the the arms of the many men in the area. At the sight of which, anger emerges from my being and I instantly reveal myself to the hostile humans, I leap over the table just before their attention is grabbed by my misjump onto glass, the many shards entering my arms and legs, I yelp in fear of loosing my cool.

I whip my only weapon at hand, yet a small piece of glass, I lash forward stabbing the intruder in the eye, he screams mercifully as I jam the point deeper into his head. He silences; drops to the floor and releases his grip of his weapon. I squeak at the sight of my new tool of destruction, but a simple pistol.

I look in the barrel; 6 rounds "Perfect" I think to myself loudly. I check the mans corpse, found another 3 bullets, looks like I'm ready to go! I move to the other room, where I am greeted by two other men; who only seemed to acquire bludgeons of weapons, just a baseball bat and a broomstick. This is where I heaved my gun out of my jeans to simply shoot one in the head. The other, at the sight of his companions death drops to the floor, crying, he quickly pleads for continuation of life; I've always been a sucker for crying people. I let him escape, letting off my guard before I heard my head hit the floor.

I woke up in an attic of some sort, or was it a basement? I'm not entirely sure, but it was definitely dark; I don't like the dark, I have visions in them and it makes it hard for me to evaluate the difference between reality and the other world. A light peaks through the darkness; a door! I yell in joy to just listen to my muffled voice, as I try to move I notice that my hands are attached to each other with the aid of tape. THOSE BASTARDS!

He smirks, I can't see his face but I could tell that he was smiling...

He walks up to my chair, moving his hands across my shoulders, he was obviously old, his hands were rough and well worn. I squeeked when his hands touched the back of his neck (DAMN THEY WERE COLD!).

His hands were no match for the knife he then drew to my neck, even colder! I begin to panic, the chair squeeks as I attempt to squirm...

He then speaks, "Who the hell are you?", I stop squirming, and go silent, he grabs the sides of the tape covering my mouth and tears them off gently, I look at him confused. I'm not confused with him.. I'm confused with myself, I have no prior knowledge of myself before this incident. It feels like my life started at the gun fight, I didn't know who my supposed 'friend' was or why I had a great shot of rage when he was brutally murdered...

Just makes no sense.

The lights turn on, I can fully see the room now, its pale and white, beside me is a mirror, obviously there were people observing me on the opposite side but I decided the ignore that fact. The man interviewing me looked like a detective, he looks up and diverts his vision towards the mirror "I think we have the right one!"

His arm flows back before flying into my face, everything seemed to go black after that.

I wake up yet again, at the floor of a bright area, this place seems different, almost eerie.

Many signs tell me that I have committed some crime, I have no clue what it is yet, maybe I'll find out some day.
I've always been a bad seed. A rebel, some might say.

I have been known to do bad things, but none as terrible and unforgivable as the

evil deed that landed me in Minetown's prison.

I'm not proud of what I did. But I would do it again if I had to.

It was a normal day. Nice weather outside, and a good breeze.

However, I had no time to enjoy that.

No, I was inside, contemplating a decision that would change my life forever.

There I sat, in my room, trembling.

A thousand thoughts seemed to go through my head at once.

My life flashed before my eyes.

My palms were sweaty.

I couldn't believe I was about to do this.

It seemed so unreal.

Not even I was this bad a person. This terrible a human being.

Or was I?

I had my second thoughts, but in a rush, I decided to put aside all second-guessing.

To put aside all hesitation.

To put aside all morals.

That's when I did it.

In a swift motion, I reached out and grasped firmly.

Without hesitation, I pulled as hard as I could.

My heart sunk.

I did it.

I really did it.

I couldn't believe it. It seemed so unreal, like a dream. No, a nightmare.

It was then that I realized; my life was over.

I'd be going to prison for life, if I wasn't to be killed on sight.

I sat there, the tag in my hand, crying.

I don't know how long I sat there.

It could have been hours, or maybe just minutes.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

It was time for me to go.

They wasted no time arriving for such a heinous crime.

I opened the door, and accepted my fate willingly, knowing that this is what I deserved.

And so, I leave you with this advice.

Never, under any circumstances, no matter how brave or rebellious you think you are,

should you ever


rip the tag off a mattress.
I Spoke.