Could have used regular protection lol
if the area is protected, can't you not open chests?
Nope, you sure cant
hmm, well, seeing as how he is a mod, shouldn't he have just protected the area?
I thought the area was protected : / oh well, guess Reggief and my stuff will never be recovered. Just funny that someone had the balls to do it, reminds me of the good old days.
regie i can give you some things pm me what you lost and ill see what i can do
Good luck, you probably wont find it though, lol threatening the person who stole your stuff isn't going to get the to admit it.

Gaiden wrote:
U shouldn't post "if u come clean now i will go easy on u", it kinda shows that there is no way u can catch the person who did it. Its stupid though, stealing from mods lol...
There are ways for us to find who did it. Some more difficult than others.
lol jpk you make it sound like you interrogate them lol