and what was this thread necroed?
Faction Owners:
DaddyChoco / Danny
====Faction Members====
1) Choco
2) Danny
3) KingMark
4) MrBaconBitts
5) #PredSpread
6) (God)~Mnoco7
7) 13U5T3R
<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object> 8x8johan
9) Ace -Inactive ATM
10) Amaryxi
11) azrashom -Inactive ATM
12) BARNEY626
13) bigd7051
14) bonzaijoe
15) brybaby1
16) Checkers
17) chrisseb
18) CrazyPeopleBlow
19) Crux_T
20) dptwin1
21) drpepper1344
22) etompras
23) Everice
24) evilking9090
26) grapefruit998
27) ikailaz
28) Italy08
29) jangokiller11
30) jedjedjedjed123
31) joemaster
32) K.o.n.g.
33) keoni108
34) Killer3609
35) KingMark -Inactive ATM
36) Luggious
37) m00vableaphr00
38) MCWormwood -Inactive ATM
39) mike smith
40) Mortar86
41) MutantMSTie -Inactive ATM
42) Nathant18
43) Parkerjdude
44) Paulosaurus
45) pennepasta -Inactive ATM
46) raglo1
47) razorcomet
48) Revolution81
49) savage1106
50) Skillgonen -Inactive ATM
51) Skyzzz -Inactive ATM
52) SuperNintenzo -Inactive ATM
53) TacoIcingMan -Inactive ATM
54) Tdubnut -Inactive ATM
55) TEDERUS -Inactive ATM
56) Tedz74 -Inactive ATM
57) Werewolf5255 -Inactive ATM
58) Wizeone #sìмρℓє -Inactive ATM
59) WreckedAsian
60) xXkenpachi11Xx
61) youfoundme001 -Inactive ATM
62) Zionia
63) ~Hazel~
64) jack_flacket
65) HolySm0kes
66) Captainscar
67) minermine123
68) Carnivores64
And Some Recruits Not Listed! <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> Join At www.KnightsOfTheTemple.Net
are we that manny?! btw try to clean up the memberpage at the kt website... its screwed lol
Yes We Have 68 Members As Of Right now With More Recruits...And The Members Page Is Being Fixed Up...BTW: Chrisseb, The Faction Is The Knights Templar And ALSO, My MC Name Isn't SmallxChocolate Anymore, It Is DJTechnor...SmallxChocolate I Gave The account To another Member Who Is Now A Mod Known As Irethena...LOL <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> BTW! Inactive Members Will Soon Be Removed Unless Notarized! This Is An ACTIVE Faction!
Omg... Your ocd caps make me cry. Nice amount of ex esperontoans you've got there <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> and i see lots of inactives and a repeat.
Lol Thanks...I Thought I Edited That Earlier...My Internet Has Been Pretty Bad Today..Well It Is Fixed Now...And Sorry For Caps
are any faction recruting?

Valor is recruiting, go to our forum thread to read up, and there is a link to our website as well to fill out an application. hope to see you soon!