yes jp i will be apart of espero as long as i can keep my title and remain in control of these cities . eissaye i have had a problem with punctuation scince i learned how to . i dont believe it will change now ill try though
Chrisseb, you can take keyboarding classes when you get to high school.
Yes, you are in control of your cities. I am fine with your title remaining, and you will also be granted the title of Mayor <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Yes, you are in control of your cities. I am fine with your title remaining, and you will also be granted the title of Mayor <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
please tell me that espero wont die because im beginng to wonder why im trying to bring the life back to espero
Paul, nobody said Espero was dying.
mayor of espero ? im in high school and am taking keyboard classes im getting better lol.
Mayor is not in charge of the whole faction. Just your cities
at i meant wasthat i had applied for your post espero voter registration does this mean im the new mayor of espero city aswell .thats what i meant to ask. i would be honored

Lol we will vote on the mayor of Espero City
lol ok just checking by the way i love alot how you told me no lol .i also fear this post has been consumed by this subject and no one is looking at the originall post
Hahahahahhaa no lol