I would like to reserve an area for J&P International, a company co-owned by jthm02 and I.
Operating under this name are several branches:
J&P Real Estate: Specializes in the selling of property in Valor and may expand to work for other factions.
J&P Trading: Specializes in the sales of goods such as smoothstone, logs, and glass. This is where most of our profit is made.
J&P Financial: Operates banks throughout Valor, and also offers financial advice and counseling.
J&P Construction & Engineering: Specializes in the construction of buildings and other projects for clients, and also offers land clearance and lighting services.
J&P Electronics: Specializes in advanced redstone circuitry, such as memory doors, large multi-button combo locks, etc.
Our current headquarters is the J&P Building in Eastshire, but will be moved to the J&P Sapphire mega-offices once completed. We plan to provide our services to many factions, and hope to become a major multi-national company.