also im just thinking they might not be wolves but rather wild dogs (pretty much the same thing as wolves but different <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> ) also that would be why they will be called dogs so ya know shit happens lets hope for dogs and not wolves wolves are bad
I think Notch wants to make them tamable wolves. Aggressive if not tamed.

Picture is probably not what the final result will be, but it at least gives us an idea. Jeb says he plans on making head bigger and nose longer.
-Wolves will come in friendly, neutral, and hostile mobs. Each will have a different texture so player can tell them apart.
-Wolves are the first mob in Minecraft to have tails and ears (in the form of a model, cows' "ears" are actually horns, and pigs' ears are just a texture) (Thanks Bindal for pointing that out!)
-According to the Minecraft Wiki, Pet Dogs are believed to be able to go out and hunt for food, although this has not been confirmed officially, and is just rumor.
-Also according to Minecraft Wiki, Wolves will be rare, although this too has not been officially confirmed.
Minecraft Wiki:
Minecraft Wiki:
Jeb's Twitter:!/jeb_
Notch's Twitter:!/notch
Notch twittered:
Jens is working on the pet. I'm working on achievements and possibly stats. I got a new game idea last night. Tempting.. focus, Notch!!
Jens is working on the pet. I'm working on achievements and possibly stats. I got a new game idea last night. Tempting.. focus, Notch!!
Oh, and.
Skypp wrote:
I like it.
What I dread is... 3 months of playing in a single world with Spot only to have him murdered by a creeper.
This will change Minecraft in a great way. Remember in the beginning when losing your first house to a creeper was painful? Before you had a million resources and every ingot of iron was precious? Think of now, how you feel when you die with a full compliment of tools, you have plenty stored near your spawn point.
You've lost the fear.
Now you will be responsible for a friend. You have a pet that needs your protection. When you wake up tomorrow, is he going to be there wagging his tail? You've had him there for weeks, is a new tamed pet "replacement" going to do?
Are you going to miss him?
GREAT stuff.
Also... I was asking for the ability to reskin your pet so wild packs of wolves didn't look like roving packs of pets... and instead they give us 3 types to reskin! I feel like Gimli when he asked for 1 lock of hair and she gave him 3.
What I dread is... 3 months of playing in a single world with Spot only to have him murdered by a creeper.
This will change Minecraft in a great way. Remember in the beginning when losing your first house to a creeper was painful? Before you had a million resources and every ingot of iron was precious? Think of now, how you feel when you die with a full compliment of tools, you have plenty stored near your spawn point.
You've lost the fear.
Now you will be responsible for a friend. You have a pet that needs your protection. When you wake up tomorrow, is he going to be there wagging his tail? You've had him there for weeks, is a new tamed pet "replacement" going to do?
Are you going to miss him?
GREAT stuff.
Also... I was asking for the ability to reskin your pet so wild packs of wolves didn't look like roving packs of pets... and instead they give us 3 types to reskin! I feel like Gimli when he asked for 1 lock of hair and she gave him 3.
Mikeliskewl wrote:
also im just thinking they might not be wolves but rather wild dogs (pretty much the same thing as wolves but different <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> ) also that would be why they will be called dogs so ya know shit happens lets hope for dogs and not wolves wolves are bad
No offense to you dog-lovers.. but
Racism alert
lol ^
lol now i wanna eat doggie yum :3
are you saying im asian or that i am a dog eater?