Gotmilk54445 owns 15 games worth: $239.87 USD
Gotmilk54445 might have spent as little as: $64.90 USD by taking advantage of sales.
Gotmilk54445 has had a Steam account since: June 1, 2011, or ~20 months
Gotmilk54445 has spent an average of $11.99 USD ($3.25 USD) per month
What's Your Account Worth?
Gotmilk54445 might have spent as little as: $64.90 USD by taking advantage of sales.
Gotmilk54445 has had a Steam account since: June 1, 2011, or ~20 months
Gotmilk54445 has spent an average of $11.99 USD ($3.25 USD) per month
What's Your Account Worth?
Meh. I have the games I play, and thats all I need, most of them from the charity sale by thq xD (which I bought all of em for 1 dollar.. lol)