Username: Magik_Puppeh
When you were banned : 01/7/12
Person who banned you: Leogt
Reason you were banned: Stealing from marketplace
Server: Main
Reason for ban appeal: I showed my little brother Minetown, and when I had returned I was surprised to find he had tons of stacks of diamonds for me! He said he knew how to get diamonds for me and i said yes (big mistake.) Later when he told me how he'd obtained them from a store's chest, I was banned right when I was returning them D:
When you were banned : 01/7/12
Person who banned you: Leogt
Reason you were banned: Stealing from marketplace
Server: Main
Reason for ban appeal: I showed my little brother Minetown, and when I had returned I was surprised to find he had tons of stacks of diamonds for me! He said he knew how to get diamonds for me and i said yes (big mistake.) Later when he told me how he'd obtained them from a store's chest, I was banned right when I was returning them D: