Last night we test fired the front firing systems at /warp fantasy. The test fire turned out to be a pretty nice show! We had some snowfall which hindered our vision but there was a good turn out and folks seemed to enjoy it.
Soon, we will be hosting full scale firework displays at /warp fantasy and I hope everyone will come enjoy them!
Spaz, Matt, Starr_stealer and a few other folks have already donated time or firework supplies which is greatly appreciated. I had inquiries for donations last night after the test fire, so I will setup a small donation center where folks can donate supplies such as gunpowder, dye, sugarcane, etc with assurance they will only be used for public display. I'll also have some way of recognizing those who have helped with the public displays possibly to include a VIP viewing room, private show, and/or a donor room.
On that note, I should mention that /warp fantasy will also have retail fireworks inside the castle eventually. All donations will be stored in a separate location than retail supplies, and no donated materials will ever be used for retail purposes. You can be confident that donations to /warp fantasy are strictly for public fireworks exhibitions.
Here are some pictures from last nights front mortar test firing:

Soon, we will be hosting full scale firework displays at /warp fantasy and I hope everyone will come enjoy them!
Spaz, Matt, Starr_stealer and a few other folks have already donated time or firework supplies which is greatly appreciated. I had inquiries for donations last night after the test fire, so I will setup a small donation center where folks can donate supplies such as gunpowder, dye, sugarcane, etc with assurance they will only be used for public display. I'll also have some way of recognizing those who have helped with the public displays possibly to include a VIP viewing room, private show, and/or a donor room.
On that note, I should mention that /warp fantasy will also have retail fireworks inside the castle eventually. All donations will be stored in a separate location than retail supplies, and no donated materials will ever be used for retail purposes. You can be confident that donations to /warp fantasy are strictly for public fireworks exhibitions.
Here are some pictures from last nights front mortar test firing: