its a lie its a modification cody added or a seperate account a mod or admin made to scare us
kolpool wrote:
its a lie its a modification cody added or a seperate account a mod or admin made to scare us
you wish. My butt still hurts from my first encounter
LIYA U R A LIE YA ive never met him face to face im telling u its dobs (or some mod or admin) OR EVEN CODY using a kill code to scare us
but it cant be a code IVE SEEN HIM
It's not a code.
Its really getting on my nerves.
Its really getting on my nerves.
proof i want proof hes real
Paul said if you put a Big Brother sing in your house it will keep it away. figured better safe than sorry XD

p.s. I agree with kolpool

p.s. I agree with kolpool