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[Enjin Archive] Mob Spawn Control - Bukkit (spawner related lag suggestion)
Started by [E] Odarus

Odarus wrote:
I like peanut butter fudge.

Oh okay
Sorry :offtopic: , it's just soooooo delicious!!
The idea has been brought up before, it would be very good to see it go into action. Having owned a few mob farms my self, I know it can be alot easier/quicker to go afk and kill them later, but it's not worth it to cause the lag to other players, ultimately making the staff's jobs more annoying to them, and I'm just gonna tell you. It's just plain lazy to afk a farm. There is big difference between efficiency and laziness, but sadly, most members aren't responsible enough to take it upon themselves to divide the two. It would be VERY beneficial to the server to have a plugin of this type.
To be perfectly honest, I would be fine with a complete removal of player-made traps (ie ones not in dungeons).

However this would no doubt get many peoples hackles up, so Odarus' solution seems totally reasonable.

I'd like to add, I'm not even saying this as someone who wouldn't be affected - one of my mobtraps has over 300 spawners in it, meaning I would lose quite a lot of my assets in this sort of removal.

I'd like to see maybe a cap of 8 or 16 spawners for one person. Couldn't be much above that, or you'd get 5 or so people teaming together and we'd have the same problem all over again.

And, with that, I would also like to see the gold->dia exchange back, once pigman spawners had been heavily limited.

Just my input c:
Adam wrote:
And, with that, I would also like to see the gold->dia exchange back, once pigman spawners had been heavily limited.

Just my input c:

I honestly don't see that coming back; you'll still have some pigmen spawners that will be used to take advantage of the system, sadly. >.>

I wouldn't go as far as to say removing all user-owned spawners; but a limit definitely isn't a bad idea...
wawon0 (Minetown Miner) wrote:
Also there is no way anyone can generate 1000 mobs without having the area unplayable. No one would do that on purpose

you would be surprised how many times someone makes a pe to come shut their traps off or butcher....ive seen numbers over 2500 in number of mobs butchered at a time....

I do plan to remove all pigzombie spawners at some point so we can bring gold back...

Adam...you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you say that...you were actually my biggest worry about even considering the full removal of player made mob traps XD

The plan as of now is to eventually shift back to MBox Spawners as it is much easier to regulate the issues that have come from SilkSpawners...unfortunately it will be a slow swap because the only way to do it fast would be to wipe everyones spawners and I feel that would not be fair to yall...so please be patient as we try to get the best solution implemented. ill be making a thread later requesting some participation from the community. I do hope you all will check it out later.
The Transgenderally Confused One wrote:

I do plan to remove all pigzombie spawners at some point so we can bring gold back...

Adam...you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you say that...you were actually my biggest worry about even considering the full removal of player made mob traps XD

The plan as of now is to eventually shift back to MBox Spawners as it is much easier to regulate the issues that have come from SilkSpawners...unfortunately it will be a slow swap because the only way to do it fast would be to wipe everyones spawners and I feel that would not be fair to yall...so please be patient as we try to get the best solution implemented. ill be making a thread later requesting some participation from the community. I do hope you all will check it out later.

Aww <3 I realise the loss of a lovely trap would be worth improved server performance for all <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> What about ronvandorp?

With regards to spawners, why not make an announcement than in say two or three weeks, all pigmen or spawners or whatever will be deleted, and offer (perhaps at bank) signs that allow you to sell your spawners. Especially with people like ronvandorp who has many millions of MTC in spawners who would be a little heartbroken to lose.

I'll admit I'd be very hacked off if All my spawners became worthless, though XD
I feel kind of selfish saying this, but it's what I'm thinking so I wanted to share still. I believe with firework stars, golden carrots, golden apples and glistening melons increasingly draining gold nuggets from availability it would be a shame to loose all PZ spawners right now.

With all the uses of gold it is a great resource that people use and trade for even if it is not considered 'legal tender', especially considering the upcoming uses for it. So I ask, would it be beneficial for more diamonds to be generated OR for members to trade / buy gold as a crafting resource? That brings up another point to consider - being that the diamond market has recovered and is stocked well - do we want to create more diamonds via a Gold - > Diamond exchange?

On the topic of gold generation - my first pig zombie spawners cost me 30 - 40k each but recently they are going for 20k-ish. One stack of Gold Bars worth between $320 - $640 requires 576 gold nuggets. Turning a profit from a spawner that cost 30k would require about 50-100 stacks of gold bars or 4050 - 8100 gold nuggets. Acquiring that much gold from a spawner would take tons of dedicated AFK time - and the expense would still be absorbed at the same rate with multiple spawners. With that in mind - PZ spawner cost could be instantly increased by offering a buy-back at $XX,000 meaning almost nobody would sell privately for less: this being a measure to consider if the gold market were to become unstable.

As a player with a pig zombie farm, I rarely used it until I realized that I should try to stock up for fireworks in case they were removed. Not as many folks are interested in standing AFK at a gold farm when the only use is craftables (not free diamonds). Even if tons of gold is dropping from PZ spawners a trip around the market shows that gold prices have increased, and are stable. Mining gold is cost but not time efficient, running a PZ farm requires start up capital and much AFK time if your intentions are to profit.

This is just my opinion, and I will not be offended with any decision made regarding PZ spawners. I just wanted to share my thoughts from a different point of view. Sorry this was rushed, I am headed to a Christmas party and will return around midnight with much less sobriety. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
wawon0 (Minetown Miner) wrote:
dude either silk spawners of gold to diamonds


Meh. Spawners create a huge influx of materials for those who know how to trap right, as well as an abundance in enchanted gear. This utterly destroys the economy, especially when one or two players are able to farm just one specific item - for example, ronvan's wool.

As one of the people to be able to sell wool reliably, he has been able to charge ridiculous amount for it.

That said, without a spawner supply we'd barely get any wool, and it would become rather expensive.

But...we shouldn't be really using wool, it's not an ideal building material, and draws us away from things such as wood or stone-based bricks which usually create far more stylish builds.

If we assume allowing gold->diamonds means a few more diamonds for all, I'm all for it. As someone who builds, mines, and explores, weapons, tools, and armour are of great benefit to me.

I'd rather have a nice stash of diamond than (as is the case) several dozen largechests of mobdrops which will no doubt ultimately be wasted.

Oh, and the whole 'spawners = lag' is a bit of an issue too. My computer isn't exactly top of the range - it's not total rubbish, but with 600 mobs or so I can barely move. I'm willing to give up any spawner-based utilities if it means less lag for all, which also means the horrendous spawnlag won't necessarily put off newer members-when introducing three of my friends to Minetown they all said things along the lines of 'dude wtf its so laggy'. As a result, they opted to stick to their own server.

Reasonably supply of a hugely versatile material > lots of mobdrops + lag, IMO.
I am all for the OP plugin to slow spawners down and virtually kill the AFK mob farm lag.

I believe having fewer available building materials would be a terrible thing. The abundance of supplies to build with and trade keeps the market and individual/group projects alive. Spawners only add things like gunpowder, enderpearls, steak, porkchops, and wool to the market - primary building materials are not affected. Some essential items would become much to rare without the dedication of farmers and shop owners. A solution that preserves and regulates personal farms would solve our problems and allow farmers and marketers to continue enjoying their work.

I also suspect AFK Wither head farmers were causing some mad lag and now that wither head prices have declined the farming has slowed down. I am unsure if other changes were made, but I noticed much less lag the last day or two.

@Adam - Astonishing builds can be done with wool! This is a matter of personal taste. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f61b.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>