guys just go have your argument somewhere else please
I'm sorry Pom i just dont understand some things people say
Too Long ; Didnt Read, is what that stands for.
Thanks Space
Yeah, he's just stepped into the realm of trolling you now, since your post was what, two sentences long? haha.
whos trolling who?
I'm lol'ing at this topic so hard. Dan, nice job trying to use something you know I don't like against me. Some head admin you are lol. As for the rest of you, I only got one thing to say:
EDIT** lolfail.
EDIT** lolfail.
Draednar wrote:
I'm lol'ing at this topic so hard. Dan, nice job trying to use something you know I don't like against me. Some head admin you are lol. As for the rest of you, I only got one thing to say:
EDIT** lolfail.
EDIT** lolfail.
Why are you linking to what looks like a user ID? <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":lol:">:lol:</object>

(Also, it doesn't really even apply in this situation)