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[Enjin Archive] Anti-Cheat Plugin
Started by Unknown User

Hello Minetown,

I write this as both my declaration and my request that the Anti-Cheat plugin be REMOVED.

Or in the very least, modified.

I am not the only who feels this way. I am not the only one who has had to suffer due to this plugin. There are ccountless others, nearly everyone who plays on the server is subjugated to it's instability. And now that the server is back up, I am no longer capable to build at all. Every block action I do, be it build or mine, is restricted. In a sense, it has expanded to the point I am no longer able to effectively, if at all, play on Minetown due to this plugin.

I normally do not speak out against, nor demand the removal of a plugin as this is not in my character. However, I have had enough of this plugin, and ask for it's removal or modification to the point it no longer prevents my own, or other people's enjoyment; of the Minetown Server.

If it is not removed nor modified, then I will have no choice other then to stop playing on Minetown, except to speak/chat with my friends and the staff I have known and come to respect for a very long time. Do not get me wrong, I am by no means saying the staff or the community is incompetent, which is an impossibility on this wonderful server. I know for fact and certainty each member of staff, past and present, bends over backwards to provide us with service, to monitor and maintain the server, and provide a backbone for it's everlasting legacy.

I am simply stating that this Anti-Cheat plugin simply does not work in a manner that we, the community of players and those who I represent, find acceptable. Please consider this request, as this affect us all. We must act if we wish to be able to build, mine, and further enjoy what we have come to call home: Minetown.

Thank you for your time.

Anticheat can be a little rough for me too.

Whenever I jump down from a ledge of more than 3 blocks high and I somehow glitch back due to latency, I get kicked by Anticheat.

This combined with the combatlogger plugin on the pvpserver can be a real pain in the ass.

(Combatlogger plugin: If you log out while your combat clock is still ticking, an NPC copy of you and all your items is created. The person you were fighting can easily kill the NPC, since it doesn't fight back, and get all your items. There's nothing you can do to prevent it.)
From what I've heard, MT switched anti-cheat plugins while the one they usually use is being updated.
I am honestly sorry for the troubles you are having. AntiCheat is a relatively new plugin and as it is still in development, it does have its flaws. One of the bigger ones is how vague the configuration settings are. You can't simply open the file and modify the 'allow player to fall additional blocks' value. At this minute, I have the log file open to see what kind of things the plugin is catching often and I'm tping to players that have this issue. Fixing the plugin is going to take some work and some patience, but I am working on it.
Thank you for looking into this Yield. I appreciate it.
Are those affected "chosen at random" from the plugin? From what I heard (just some other members) people were spamming, then I saw hk get kicked and I knew something was up. So I'm just wondering, what criteria are people kicked for (with the bugs and such), if at all we know? Or is it just completely random?
Anti cheat isn't new at all. It shouldn't have these problems, but that's their developer's problems. I think our dev team just needs to change the value of height or time floating before the plugin assumes we are flying
Yield wrote:
I am honestly sorry for the troubles you are having. AntiCheat is a relatively new plugin and as it is still in development, it does have its flaws. One of the bigger ones is how vague the configuration settings are. You can't simply open the file and modify the 'allow player to fall additional blocks' value. At this minute, I have the log file open to see what kind of things the plugin is catching often and I'm tping to players that have this issue. Fixing the plugin is going to take some work and some patience, but I am working on it.
I didnt say it would be that easy at all. I know how plugins work. I'm saying get our highly underutilized dev team to work on changing a simple thing.
its not simple, they lterally have to rewrite it to fix it