Whats all this "Mumble skype 5pm EST" mumbo jumbo?
Scratch that the wools would be better if they sparkled
2:45pm pst mumble skype
2:45pm pst mumble skype
.... Cake Wool? OMG like if they had TEXTURED WOOLS OMG OMG OMG
11:38:49 PM Eastern Time Mumble
11:38:49 PM Eastern Time Mumble
Can I has Cake flavored Porkchops?
3:00 PM CST Mumble
3:00 PM CST Mumble
Sometimes, I just like to stare at wool.
7 P.M. Est Mumble Skype
7 P.M. Est Mumble Skype
Well, there are only 16,777,216 colors that a computer can display using the RGB method. Who wants to start paintin?
3PM -5 Mumble Skype
3PM -5 Mumble Skype
What about cake-flavored sparkling wool with porkchop textures on it? 
5 PM GMT+1 Mumble

5 PM GMT+1 Mumble
You know Wool
Could Be Cool
In a spool
at a school
with a fool
who can drool
a big pool
while swimming WITH A MULE
7:32.9 am- 9: 24 pm Mumble Skype
Could Be Cool
In a spool
at a school
with a fool
who can drool
a big pool
while swimming WITH A MULE
7:32.9 am- 9: 24 pm Mumble Skype
There's not enough fuchsia in the game, maybe we should install a mod for fuchsia colored stone.
7PM PST Mumble Skype
7PM PST Mumble Skype
To be honest here... I have no idea what the hell this thread is about.. or why everyone is posting mumble times....
9PM EST Mumble Skype
9PM EST Mumble Skype