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[Enjin Archive] Pdkkid ban appeal.
Started by [E] pdkkid

Username: Pdkkid

When you were banned : 24/03/2012 23:49:16

Person who banned you: Cryston

Reason you were banned: Stealing from luev25's vault

Server: Main

I've been gone from this server for half of a year now. I have apologized to Lueve when I got banned and I tried to return the items but never got unbanned. All of my stuff is gone and this server so I would be coming back to the main world fresh, and knowledge on the commands. I really loved this server, so much to have donated my money towards it. And I love all the cool staff inside of it and I am still sincerly sorry for what I was banned for. I will promis you that I will break no rules again and will continusly help newcommers into the server. Please just give me one more chance to come back onto the server! I love MT!
I will look into your appeal and get back to you.. Please wait patiently
Your theft was huge and fixing it took numerous hours for several staff members. You also have been caught copying and pasting things from MineTown in your own server, which we will not tolerate. That is copyright infringement and you are lucky we arent going to do more about that. You were unwilling to admit your wrongdoings when caught last time...The ban committee will consider this appeal, but at this point in time, I am not yet conviced you should be allowed to return. Perhaps you should come up with some good reasoning for us as to why we should consider this further before we make our decission?

I know that the ban was big and it took a lot of labor to fix it back up. If you could, can you send me the chat records from that day? You guys still cannot feel my forgiveness. However that problem has been cleared up. About the map problem. The map was never launched for public use and was used between friends for private use. So the map was never a copyright infringement. The map was never sold, leased, put of for rent, or traded for any sort of a profit. Let me say this again, we were not making profit off of your guys creations and labor. This does not break any codes of copyright infringement. A copyright infringement refers to "a violation of the rights secured by a copyright." Minetown's works are not copyrighted under any sort of protection. I would recommend exposing your guys copyright more, so many more people will be informed that this is now illegal. This will also become less of a problem. Neither me or any of my friends have been informed of any copyright on Minetown's work. However, if the map did make a profit I could see your guys concern about the copy. I would also be mad if people were taking my work and making a profit. But from my stand point, I would be glad if people got joy out of my work. In conclusion to this appeal, I am sorry for the wrongdoings, and my behavior. I blame it on nobody's fault except mine for the ban of stealing from Lueve's chest. About the copyright infringement, may you please post it on this forum where it says that the works of Minetown cannot be replicated for the use of anybody. I see alot of MT's on the server but no TM's...

Please don't get mad, Just clearing things up,

well noted. We will add this into our considerations. I will be sure to pass this along to the committee.

Just to enlighten you, copyright is a lot more complex than you think it is though. Technically as soon as the thought is produced, it is protected by copyright. once printed/published (built) it is protected again by another layer of copyright. you do not have to have somethine leagally covered by copyright for it to be copyrighted. Legal copyrighting is for things that are bound to be an issue if money is involved where minecraft is not in this situation. A claim can be made for copyright infringement whether or not it is covered by legal copyright.

I had to take a class on copyright for my music degree as we have to deal with loopholes and rules with music in my profession almost on a day to day basis. >,< so much fun...
and im not mad for it <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

also, idk if the chat logs from that long ago are recoverable. If cryston still has them we can try, but it is beyond our data saves by a long shot
I see where your coming from on the topic. I too had to take a class on it. Please note that I did not make any profit of the map, I only used it for private use between two to four people that I meet and became friends your server. I cannot stress this idea enough. The chat logs play a big part in this appeal. On my original appeal I was never given any type of logs or proof against my wrongdoings. That's like going to jail without a hearing. I was simply given the word of a mod and a player in Minetown. Were the logs even reviewed in the previous appeal? A good amount of ban appeals that have been posted have been proven in the logs, mine was not... I shouldn't of had to ask proof of my ban, I thought that it was mandatory for the mods, I guess it's not. Because I've not seen an appeal without logs or some sort of proof. It feels kind of unfair now that I look back at it. The logs can show the conversation between me and the person that sold things out of Lueves vault. The only evidence from a mod that I got was, "Over 100 edits that you did" If I am not mistaken those, "over 100 edits" should be stone and some and maybe some minor objects. The mod did not even tell me the majority of the objects that I took... If I could get the logs that would be great seeing that I never received any in the first place. If I could log onto the server and look at Luev's vault I could verify the vault. Shortly after my appeal I was giving my vault to my friend, and the mod told me that the vaults never get erased. So I think that it must still be there. To clear things up I'm just going to tell you guys my side of the story one more time.

I was playing on Minetown when a person, lets refer to him as bob because I don't know his name. Bob was selling a TON of stone for a good price. I bought a TON a stone (that's where the "over 100 edits" comes in). I TP'ed to "bob's vault" (Really Luev's I guess). I payed him the money, and he said something like, "Take from these chest." I followed his instructions, took the stone out of "Bob's vault" to mine, tped back, took the stone and so on... I logged on after I got off that night to a welcoming ban message. Although I was freaked out, it took me around an hour or so to realize that the vault that I have taken the stone out of was Luev's vault. I would have happily returned the materials to him but that was not an option. This is my story, from my point of view.

In conclusion (I feel official saying that ha ha ha), I was never made any profit off of your guys map, I was never given any proof from my ban, and was not notified that I was taking the stone out of Luev's vault. I am putting all of my time into this appeal, and hope you guys know that I am really serious about my side of the story, and no that I am not making this stuff up. This isn't a topic that I just blow off and continue my day with. I really miss the cool mods and people that I meet on this server.

Please don't take my comments as being pushy, or any stuff like that. I do it for a living... it's like a job to me. sometimes I get caught up in it too much!!! I've meet some people that may think that I am being a smart alic (don't know how to spell it). I'm sorry, please do not take anything in a wrong way, I'm not trying to blame anybody,I am just trying to defend my appeal. I am taking full responsibility for the actions that I make.
After discussing the situation and the info we had, the ban committee has decided not to unban you at this time. I understand what you are saying and am glad to have both sides, but the level of the issue is too much for us to lift this ban now.

I will see if i can get a hold of the logs for you, but i can make no promises about finding them. If we find them and discover something new in them, I will contact you and discuss it from there. But as it stands for this point in time, the committee has decided to leave you banned at this point in time.
