Being a newcomer to this server
So far I've caused nothing but trouble
I built on someone else's plot
I made offensive jokes
I didn't follow the rules and climbed over the Olympics fence into the VIP stands
I exceeded my plot limit without permission
And the worse of all , I built a controversial religious structure without permission ,causing great confusion and anger on both the mods and players.
I would like to apologize to all of those that was affected ,even harmed by my obnoxious , care-free , air-headed behaviours.
I would like to give my most sincere apology to the jews , the buddhist , Architect, Fez99 , Leo , and all of the Minetowns.

I am sorry.
I am not worthy.
I shall impose a self exile period of 1 week .
I will not step upon the Minetown Minecraft server , from 17/08/2012 - 24/08/2012
I shall come back a better person
I shall leave all behind , and you will have my word , you'll never see me in Minetown again.
You have my word.
So far I've caused nothing but trouble
I built on someone else's plot
I made offensive jokes
I didn't follow the rules and climbed over the Olympics fence into the VIP stands
I exceeded my plot limit without permission
And the worse of all , I built a controversial religious structure without permission ,causing great confusion and anger on both the mods and players.
I would like to apologize to all of those that was affected ,even harmed by my obnoxious , care-free , air-headed behaviours.
I would like to give my most sincere apology to the jews , the buddhist , Architect, Fez99 , Leo , and all of the Minetowns.

I am sorry.
I am not worthy.
I shall impose a self exile period of 1 week .
I will not step upon the Minetown Minecraft server , from 17/08/2012 - 24/08/2012
I shall come back a better person
I shall leave all behind , and you will have my word , you'll never see me in Minetown again.
You have my word.