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[Enjin Archive] Millenium City Evictions
Started by [E] TIBBS4LIFE

:salute: May you find peace were you lay your head and opportunity to progress wherever you go.
per minetown rules, you will need to notify each building's owner and give them 2 weeks to move. A sign must be placed at each lot with a notice and date. I have included a link to the town eviction rules post for you to look over.


on a personal note...are you evicting shop owners as well?
Greeting minetown

To anyone who lives in Millenium City hunterkiller has left Minetown and has given the city over to me as full owner so i am informing everyone who has a property in the city you have to remove your valuable in 1 month. After that month anything found in chest will be taken an placed in my vault and will not be returned then the city it's self will be under going a renovation to change the cobblestone building and walls. If anyone want's to have their building kept out of the renovation and to stay untouched please place a sign on your building and post you ign and where the building is in the city. as well when renovation is complete you will be able to get free lot to build new more appealing building.

To anyone who is in the Sith Empire im sorry to say but Millenium City is no longer where the clan meets as the city is not apart of any clan as well if you are concerned of who is the leader of the clan that is nothing to do with me and you will have to ask hunter killer your self.

For now that is all I have to inform player of Minetown and occupant of Millenium City about as well reminder you until the 8th of September to clean out your building of the valuable contents if you do not wish to keep the building.

Thank you for your time and see you soon.

This does not count as notifying everyone as an eviction. Do the correct procedure please or no player will be evicted.

Leave notice signs on each players plot along with a /mail ingame with the date they need to leave by.

Since players are being made to leave from something that is not their own fault they should be getting a full refund for the plot they paid for. So if a player does ask for a refund then be sure to do so.

Will be a shame to see you leave hunter. We have had our ups and downs and you have been a huge pain in the arse at times but you were definitely a good character for minetown, I really do hope you take a break from minetown and come back to us in the future. You will always be welcome here x
I believe he is evicting every single person by the way he worded it. I don't get why he wants to destroy everything and then just rebuild it, but to each his own I guess. Sorry, Ivy, I get the fact that this actually sucks lol.
Seems so... It's a total load if you ask me... Well, it will take almost a month to get all of the eviction notices up and everyone mailed, but then again, I am not worried about it. I don't get how he would be able to take everything from us anyway, even with notice isn't that kinda like griefing? Locked chests will remain no matter what, so I guess I'll have to close up shop... This sucks.
sauvilbob 1. it wont take a month to do all signs and /mail people and 2. if people dont move it is right to take the plot back unless stated otherwise by the owner and 3. he is not tearing down the whole town to my knowledge he is just replacing cobble with a new material....
Well, if he is replacing the cobble, which isn't allowed in the city in the first place, he doesn't need to take down all of people's buildings, and to my knowledge from being pm'ed by a friend, he is going to sell all of the materials and whatever else he can get out of the buildings... That doesn't sound like an ultimate (technically legal) grief? He has to do signs for every single lot that is already claimed, and I used to be on building commission, I know that there are quite a few, unless he wants to do an entire run through and waste at least hours on placing a partially lengthy sign and pm'ing over 35 people, whilst having to search to see if those people have lots, where all of their lots are, and all that stuff. The month thing was more of an exaggeration anyway, but it won't be a one day process. He also isn't the owner of the region or the city, there are 3 and none of which are tibbs.

In fact, other than in a few player-built structures, there shouldn't even be any cobble in that entire city, unless the streets have some in them, but most of it is smoothstone and stone-brick.
Tibbs4Life wrote:

For now that is all I have to inform player of Minetown and occupant of Millenium City about as well reminder you until the 8th of September to clean out your building of the valuable contents if you do not wish to keep the building.

That's the first clue... If the building isn't cobble, then why would we have to clear out everything at least valuable to us?
Only certain building are being taken down. and the renovation is on the wall first then the rest of the city after wards