The tag is for playing on minetown and being on the forums for one year... no?
Then you wont get a 1 year tag on the forums. Its an automatic tag that generates once a player has passed 1 year since registering with minetowns website. Sorry x
Ohhh,I get it now..
That means you would be guest on the MT server...
$kutha$ wrote:
I didn't get mine, and its been a year.
DanniDorrito wrote:
Its an automatic tag that generates once a player has passed 1 year since registering with minetowns website.
If you hover over my 'Avatar' you'll notice that I "Joined on June 7". A week past that date, I still didn't get my 1 year tag. At first I thought something went wrong, since I had been told the process was automated.
Then I realised that I had an Ennjin account before I joined Minetown (back from when I played World of Warcraft).
This might be the reason why you didn't receive yours yet, kutha.
I got mine somewhere mid-July.
If you have played on minetown for a year but using 2 different accounts can u get a 1 year tag on your new account
I hope you realise and understand that it would not be very simple for forum admins to track this down, Bear.
Like Danni said, it automatially gives you it once you've been on for a year, and its just a tag, you'll get it eventually

Gear wrote:
Like Danni said, it automatially gives you it once you've been on for a year, and its just a tag, you'll get it eventually

My respect for you just went up 10 fold for using that gif. One of my favorite movies..
Interesting, even I didn't know about the tag, where can this tag be located.