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[Enjin Archive] i want my land back
Started by [E] lightningburst


i lived in breztown, currentlly the new "northspawn" region. breztown, along with all my possesions, was wiped of the face of the earth and as far as i can tell (by checking through numerous threads i.e. the land claim thread), there was no warning of this. now i know this is a lot to ask, but.....is it possible to get a chunk rolback at this late stage? i truthfully have no real need for the rebirth of breztown (although i would enjoy it's return) but i had a small, but still valuable bunker underneath breztowns neighbouring ocean. my knowledge of chunk lengths is faint, but i have good reason to believe that this would not interfere with the current northspawn perimeter.

i aslo wish to point out that although i was compensated in MC creds, the amount i was paid (7,500) does not cover what was lost. the very coating of my bunker was worth a large percentage of that amount; not including the items inside. i will gladly return the money i have been paid if anything can be done about reclaiming the materials and wealth that i lost.

if there is truly nothing that can be done about this, then i will simply accept it and move on (reluctantlly) but i do hope that there is a solution to my problem.
Sawine made a thread regarding this a while back.

He made a worldbackup and told anyone whose stuff was wiped could get it moved back in to the world.

Dunno if this applies in this incident though...
well i was kinda hoping that i could get my bunker back (mostly because i often accidentlly warp to it, and get overwhelmed with nostalgia when i remeber out it's not there) but i would like to get my stuff back form there just as much. where would i find this thread?
Sawine was dealing with all home refunds from northspawn, I will message sawine for you about this x
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