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[Enjin Archive] Creeper explosions
Started by [E] sawine

Re-allowing creeper explosions will drop the usage of TNT cannons, which require some skill to succesfully strike.

Thus, re-allowing creeper explosions will make raiding on the Hardcore PvP server EASIER actually.
I strongly feel that creeper explosions should be disabled in faction areas. A PVP server should be about actual player combat and tactics, not annihilating everything a player has worked for while they are away at work, school, or otherwise dealing with real life.

Raiding bases should be done in the currently intended manner: Killing players (possibly with creepers, TNT cannons, or other weapons) until their faction power is low enough that chunks of land can be taken over, and then broken into. This means that players actually get a fighting chance to defend their bases. Using Creepers is a cheap hack to allow people to avoid real PVP.

And honestly, who wants to play on a server where leaving to sleep or even eat means you can have all of your work wiped out without you getting a chance to respond properly? There is no fun in that. None. Sure, this is a PVP server, and people will die and lose items, but that's due to a lack of skill, not because they were busy with school or a day job.
Darth Android wrote:
I strongly feel that creeper explosions should be disabled in faction areas. A PVP server should be about actual player combat and tactics, not annihilating everything a player has worked for while they are away at work, school, or otherwise dealing with real life.

Raiding bases should be done in the currently intended manner: Killing players (possibly with creepers, TNT cannons, or other weapons) until their faction power is low enough that chunks of land can be taken over, and then broken into. This means that players actually get a fighting chance to defend their bases. Using Creepers is a cheap hack to allow people to avoid real PVP.

And honestly, who wants to play on a server where leaving to sleep or even eat means you can have all of your work wiped out without you getting a chance to respond properly? There is no fun in that. None. Sure, this is a PVP server, and people will die and lose items, but that's due to a lack of skill, not because they were busy with school or a day job.

Well personally I don't think that creeper explosions should be disabled. I personally do think though that it is a cheap hack if the chests explode as well. If chests were immune to the explsions, then that would at least give that faction something to work with when the log back on.

I mean I hate to compare minecraft to real life, but this is like during war saying "you can't use bombs on us, it has to be guns" Using creepers is just a PvP tactic itself. I mean, another comparison, if someone was gunna rob a home, there not gunna do it during the day when the home has guests over, they are going to strike when no one is home.

I just think that there should be limits for the creepers, like it cant break doors, or it cant break chests. Just my opinion.

You have a point Darth Android, but know this:

If we all had to wait for people to be online before we can raid them, have to wait for them to actually come out of their bases, and have to witness them logging off as soon as their faction's power is getting low, there would hardly be any pvp or succesful raiding at all and people will get bored.

On top of that, there are currently several ways to avoid your base getting broken into while you're away.

Covering your base in water takes two minutes and makes it TNT and creeper-proof.
Agreed with Landro. There is no difference between the creeper explosion and TNT Cannons when it comes to people being offline.
MattGehringツ wrote:
Agreed with Landro. There is no difference between the creeper explosion and TNT Cannons when it comes to people being offline.

Except the price, creepers are free, tnt costs.

Now if you could buy creeper eggs then that would make it fair. Just create a custom mobs API that wont allow creepers to spawn naturally, but with eggs they can spawn.
Landro wrote:
If we all had to wait for people to be online before we can raid them, have to wait for them to actually come out of their bases, and have to witness them logging off as soon as their faction's power is getting low, there would hardly be any pvp or succesful raiding at all and people will get bored.

I agree with the problem, but not the proposed solution. Yes, we need a way to draw people out of their bases and make them take risks and engage in combat. We need events, and points of contest. Think like king-of-the-hill, where holding the point grants bonuses. Arenas, contests, things for people to go and fight over besides each others' bases.
Darth Android wrote:
Landro wrote:
If we all had to wait for people to be online before we can raid them, have to wait for them to actually come out of their bases, and have to witness them logging off as soon as their faction's power is getting low, there would hardly be any pvp or succesful raiding at all and people will get bored.

I agree with the problem, but not the proposed solution. Yes, we need a way to draw people out of their bases and make them take risks and engage in combat. We need events, and points of contest. Think like king-of-the-hill, where holding the point grants bonuses. Arenas, contests, things for people to go and fight over besides each others' bases.

If you are trying to eliminate the attack on bases, then why have a PvP server? I know that PvP stands for player vs player, but if you want player vs player, put everyone in a box and have them fight it out.

If you are having a faction server, then keep it as it is. If you don't want the raiding of bases, then simply remove the faction plugin. Cuss it seems that people dont want to raid bases, well, then what is the faction plugin there for? to specify who is in what faction? If thats it, then take out faction plugin, and put the clans plugin in.

I do think that events, arenas, and contests would add it more PvP style.

But guys. Remember. this is a Hardcore faction server. Thats what its listed as.
As of right now, the only thing of value are one's items.

You gain prestige on the server if you manage to raid bases and steal their items.

If you remove that now, there won't be any goal for the players on the pvp server.

You should establish some decent contests that make the people want to go out of their bases and fight in the open first.

After that's achieved, you can look into tweaking down the raiding and griefing.

There's been two attempts thusfar to open a thread with suggestions for the pvp server, but they both died out.

Maybe you should make an official one and add some sort of reward for the best ideas to keep the thread going.
I agree with Madster. At the end of the day, the server is labelled as a hardcore PVP server.

It's kind of false advertising if we are cutting corners so people dont get mad if there base is blown up by a creeper.

I mean, it's not like its easy to blow someones base up with a creeper. You have to take into account Darth, that 90% of people build there house underground. If one wants to blow up a base with a creeper they would have to find a hole leading into the base to lead the creeper in through.

Now as a user of the PVP server, who stopped because of the lack of players and making it near impossible to raid bases, It is VERY hard to creeper herd, and it can even be called a skill.

It is also extremely easy to make sure creepers cant get into your base.

People will get bored quickly in the server and leave again, no matter how much advertising you do, because it would be too much of a standstill if everyones bases are impenetrable and as soon as they come out to fight and die, they just log when they spawn back in there secure base.

It's boring, to be honest, and thats why people left.