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[Enjin Archive] Millenium Empire: Dawn of the Imperial Age! Rise of the Empire!
Started by Unknown User

HKX-4-7 wrote:
OkiFool66 wrote:
HK, we didn't dig out that damn city in a day! I may have protected it in the space of 30 seconds before there was anything even on that rock. It has come a long way since then and it would be a shame if it just utterly died.

Why does everyone think the Millenium Empire IS the city, and the city IS the faction? This is getting annoying, Millenium City, and the territory around it are still mine, I never gave them up, I own them, and I plan to finish building them.

As for The Empire, I am undecided as to what I should do, such as rejoin or simply walk away.

And thanks Oki for the goodies <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object>

Well the phrase "ash, stone, and fire" directly implied that the city was physically burned down. On account of the faction not being made of flammable materials and all. Our bad.
The Imperial Re-unification: An Empire Reborn!

As many Minetownians might have heard or are aware, the Millenium Empire has slipped into a period of both uncertainty and doubt of which has resulted in a devastating and horrid Imperial Civil War. This has caused the once mighty Empire to be shattered to it's core, having it's command structure undermined and undone. The very foundations the Empire was built upon, had failed. An Empire once united, lays divided and broken and only now stands as a memory, remembered by our lost but still loyal comrades and our always, now and forever, supporting allies.

In full truth, I did not expect our Empire to collapse as it did. I as the former Emperor of the Empire, take full responsibility for how it collapsed. I was not as effective a leader as I had hoped to be to you. It was I who lead the Empire to it's ruin. I failed each and every one of both Imperial and Sith alike, under my command/leadership for which I ask you for forgiveness for. I hold many regrets for which I tell them here, to you. To face your judgement as you rightfully cast and deserve on me.

With this being said, something did happen that I did not expect to bear witness to. They were Imperial Loyalists, who did not waiver in this dark hour, who refused to face the howling dark; the void of destruction; who believed and upheld the Imperial cause even after the Empire's demise. Those who worked and collaborated with each other, together they rebuilt what once was lost. Our great Empire has been reforged out of the very ash, fire and dust that consumed it. It stands at the edge of a new age, a new rising. It had been reborn under the leadership of the new Emperor, pwnmaster_dx34. But the Empire and pwnmaster himself, held the throne only long enough for me to re-take it, as I have to once again become the Imperial Emperor. But now we do not stand alone. Other dedicated members of the Empire have begun to return to their rank and file, to resume their posts of honor and integrity. To uphold the Empire to their final breath. As we all should have done.

In these uncertain and dark times of our reborn Empire, it is destined to fall once again without us all standing side by side, to support it. The Empire is but a shadow of it's former strength, it's glory, reputation and influence not even half of what it once was. I am also now part of this Empire once again, for which pwnmaster_dx34 willing stepped aside, to allow the title and right of Emperor to once again be mine. This Empire must now be changed. For everything we have done in the past and present will have been for nothing. I have always believed in the Empire and the Imperial Cause, to which I have and always will uphold. This dedication goes beyond Minetown, back to my former roots as a true Imperial, of which I believe solidly to my very core.

While the Empire may have been struck down and scattered across Minetown, I assure you former and current Loyal Imperials, that my will to rebuild this Empire has not ceased, my commitment to see it rise once again shows everlasting strength, and my resolve to see this through to the End, has never been stronger! This has become our turning point, this has been our test! The Imperial Cause, the First Minetownian based Galactic Empire, will not end with these events! Let this event be known as the Imperial Re-unification! To make this our chance to show Minetown, who we truly are! Let us rise above the smoke and ash that litters our cities and battlefields! Retake with honor and duty, the weapons we so eagerly cast aside! No longer shall we be divided! No longer shall we be oppressed by those who sought our destruction! No longer, will we suffer from those without loyalty to this Empire! I put out the call, to all of Minetown to hear and see. For all our brothers and sisters of the Sith and everyone in-between, to re-join the Empire. From these dark times we will rise restructured, to be everlasting! Re-join the Empire, for our glory! Re-join the Empire to prove yourself as you always have claimed, to show what it means to be an Imperial, of the Millenium Sith Empire!
Well that's wonderful... I am already being blamed for that... This part really had nothing to do with me, in fact, I didn't even go through with any kind of rebellion. I became tired with how people in the clan started to be treated so I quit. Just because some people liked me enough to leave as well isn't really my fault, especially because they aren't affiliated with me.