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[Enjin Archive] New Train Station and Town idea.
Started by [E] Jeff Hendrie

You know, I'm thinking of changing my profile picture on here from an old 1940s ad for cloths, (yep, that's what it is), to the real life station.
Well I'm definitely impressed by the level of preperation and planning gone in <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f609.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>
Thanks. I've been planning on building the station since minecraft 0.7 came out. And I've been planning on how to do it then, but I gave up, then, I decided about two or three weeks ago, "I'm going to do it, no matter what." so I started, and I've been working on it since. This building, is definatly my most prided piece of work yet. I still have to get the HUMUNGOUS sky-light put in for the concourse, but al well, that can't be too hard, right? (Trust me, after I post this, I'll start on the skylight and then go "you know... this is impossible I give up, I'm putting the skylight in with MCEDIT, even though I've only used MCEDIT for adjusting the height of the chendeliers so far." (They're pretty big chandeliers.) By the way, the resturaunt, (in the real building) had the menue written in chalk, on a blackboard in front of the doors to the resturaunt, and they once spelled Coffey wrong. (the person who wrote the menue on the board got E-happy and spelled Coffey as "Coffeey". Then someone else noticed, told a waiter, and the waiter went and changed it to "Coffey". The lady who noticed it was worried she had been spelling "Coffey" wrong her entire life, because she saw the mis-spelling on the menue sign. Entertaining little thing about the station pertaining to your profile name.
Here's some pics of the outside front, and the Main Waiting Room. All of that is completed, just needs the doors and signs, otherwise it's all done on that part. The tall thing jutting out from the top of the building, is a smoke stack used by the coal furnace that heats/heated the building in winter. In summer they'd sometimes place fans around the station to get some air circulation to cool the building off. The building has up to 14 floors, maybe more. I need to count again. I'll put the screenshots in my profile as an album, because I have no clue how to put the screenshots on the threads.
The screenshots are up, (the only three that aren't over 2MB). There's lso a photo of the real station as seen now, and a photo of it being built in 1913. A while before they had to initially open it due to lack of money, to get more money to complete the station. The station cost $15 million to build. (I believe that's as in today's money), and it also is 500,000 square feet in floor-space. Also, a quick comment from me on the station is: MAN did they like arches. Too many arches. They're driving me CRAZY with ARCHES.

This is a quote form the website I got the real life picture of the station from, as it is seen today: "The building is of the Beaux-Arts Classical style of architecture, designed by the Warren & Wetmore and Reed and Stem firms who also designed New York City’s Grand Central Terminal. The price tag for this 500,000-square-foot (46,000 m2) building was $15 million when it was built. Detroit’s Roosevelt Park creates a grand entryway for the station." Now seriously? WHO the heck understands all that gibberish? I'm surprised I understand ANY of it.
K this needs to be in Minetown ;P
Lol. Thanks, why do you say that so definatly? <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object> It seemed at first like you might be skeptical, and now you say it like it's 100% definate that it NEEDS to be in Minetown. No to be rude, but that to me, is hallarious. Also, I'm not sure how to thank you for that... I take it as a compliment. So... thanks. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
As we post and reply to posts on this thread, (or less specific, "as we speak") I am putting some of the finishing touches on the station, and it should be ready very soon. I'm also putting up more screenshots. Any rooms or parts of the building you want me to take a screenshot of for you?
I might change the station's roof in front to a copper/brass-green because after a while the roof turned green, even with cleaning, as roofs do when make mostly out of copper. the roofs in back were brass, so they didn't turn green, it took a long time for them to ever turn green. They only got green, by 1989, when the station closed. Barely any green on them then too.