Over the night have our beloved server been taken over by a foul and disgraceful oppressor, Lomanic!
He's sent out his lesbian army which now patrols every street. Watching every corner and listening to every thought!
They abuse their once beloved admin powers to do great, great evil. Anyone who dares oppose them gets turned into Danni's foul creatures, the gimps! Theres nowhere to be safe on our server anymore!
But fear not! The enemy might be bigger, stronger and overpower us by 1 to 100 and we might face our certant ban, but theres still hope! We can still take back our beloved server and dispose of this tyrant! We might succeed, or we might fail.. But, what ever the outcome.. We'll show them that with every breath of our bodies that we are loyal to the one and only, Sawine!
The Resistance lives on!

And congratulations to Lomanic for the ownership of the server.
I think you've a good staf member and i know you'll take us to higher hights!