Hey i cannot find the actual page that shows the claim land format but i believe i have all my info here. So by my event at warp hungercraft there has been a abandon town by there that has not been changed since i joined minetown and now i decided hey let me see if i can claim it so about 3-5 days ago i mailed the owner of the town which is adz0704 shown below:

in the last picture above u can see the town protection name owner and pretty much everyone involved in that town bu tbecause adz was the only owner there i decided to contact him because its his town and i would be mad if someone asked a member of my town if they could claim it and they say yes i would be mad so i only contacted him. in the pictures u can see thta this town is extremely old they even have the old trade plugin and here are some pics of the town now :

for more pics of the town i have them located here on my pic file : http://www.minetown.net/profile/1689540/pics/album/album_id/156799
what i plan to do with the town is use its land resources and possibly use the area to be a starting point so i can try to create my test monopoly event that i will be running up once i am event staff then i want to see if there are anything in the chests for sure cause if people left stuff in the chest i could use those resources for sure like they say "One mans trash is another mans treasure." So if i could get access to those that would be cool but if any of the members wish to also claim this land that they were in please respond on this thread so i know who else wants some resources or supplies they left behind. Also if the owner of the town could respond to my mail or thread here sayin gi could have the town that would be splended other than that if a mod could grant me perms to everything in the land lets say give it 1-2 weeks with no answer from owner or anyone else than thats really appreciated thank u for ur time.

in the last picture above u can see the town protection name owner and pretty much everyone involved in that town bu tbecause adz was the only owner there i decided to contact him because its his town and i would be mad if someone asked a member of my town if they could claim it and they say yes i would be mad so i only contacted him. in the pictures u can see thta this town is extremely old they even have the old trade plugin and here are some pics of the town now :

for more pics of the town i have them located here on my pic file : http://www.minetown.net/profile/1689540/pics/album/album_id/156799
what i plan to do with the town is use its land resources and possibly use the area to be a starting point so i can try to create my test monopoly event that i will be running up once i am event staff then i want to see if there are anything in the chests for sure cause if people left stuff in the chest i could use those resources for sure like they say "One mans trash is another mans treasure." So if i could get access to those that would be cool but if any of the members wish to also claim this land that they were in please respond on this thread so i know who else wants some resources or supplies they left behind. Also if the owner of the town could respond to my mail or thread here sayin gi could have the town that would be splended other than that if a mod could grant me perms to everything in the land lets say give it 1-2 weeks with no answer from owner or anyone else than thats really appreciated thank u for ur time.