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[Enjin Archive] Opinions needed on these questions.
Started by [E] SGT Fenix

So I have an assignment for school that asks me to inquire from a variety of people on these questions, so what better place to ask then MineTown? Please be serious in your answers, and give your honest opinions. Remember, even if you are not from America, your opinion is still valued!

1) What does America stand for to you?

2) If the state of American government could be improved, how would this be done?

3) In America, there are rules to follow to keep the peace and public order; but overall people are generally free to live as they see fit. Do you value living in a country where people are allowed to be who they choose to be without having to submit to a certain lifestyle, creed, religion, or political belief system?

1)AMERICA stands as a great nation of strength, economicaly and military wise. but i think the goverment doesnt use those strengths wisley so basixally it is a 2 year old with a machine gun (exaduration there)

2) i think that the american goverment needs to stop feeling so powerful. they seem a bit big headed. i really dont know how to fix this... another thing is gun law, i think strict gun laws should be put inplace. the only reason the farthers made the law was for hunting use i think not to attack eachother...

3) i do value freedom but as there is no moral or phisical guidence to people on where to go such as laws to get them a job or something alot can end up on the streets and with no job. its all about getting the balance between freedom and guidence
LOL barney, nice, now i just need 2 more opinions 8P
1) What does America stand for to you?

2) If the state of American government could be improved, how would this be done?

3) In America, there are rules to follow to keep the peace and public order; but overall people are generally free to live as they see fit. Do you value living in a country where people are allowed to be who they choose to be without having to submit to a certain lifestyle, creed, religion, or political belief system?

* Well, I'm from the UK, but I don't want people from the US to take any offense.

1) I think America stands for over-aggressiveness, especially when it comes to a political level. If there is a country or person that disagrees with it's "diplomatic" ways, it refuses to have anything to do with it. Or, it will attack that country, whether it is an action of military force or a verbal attack. It also stands for a huge economic power of the world, although, using the over-aggressiveness, will not be told how to manage its economy by any other country or person. I mean, they're only in $5 trillion of debt, they don't need anyone to help them, right?

2) Oh God. Where do I start? It would help if there weren't so many corrupt people in the US government. I mean, they sold $30 billion of F-15 fighter jets to people who they supposedly disagree with (Saudi Arabia). They cost $30 million each, so that's 1000 F-15s sold to another country they supposedly disagree with. Why? Greed. Unfortunate, but true. The US government, in my opinion, is full of corrupt politicians who need a kick up the backside to be reminded that they're supposed to look after the US and do what is in the countries best interest, not the most economically beneficial interest.

3) The US isn't actually as "free" as it seems. Put it this way, there isn't a government funded television company such as the BBC, which, arguably, broadcasts non-biased information at the cost of a television license. Megaupload got taken down by the FBI, the Department of Justice was hacked into and thousands of files were leaked over the internet. So no, I don't think that you can justify the US allowing "free speech" or "freedom" because there are simply too many corrupt politicians whose business is kept behind closed doors. And besides, the US is still full of racial hatred and insane beliefs about Communism that simply aren't true, and most of it comes from the schools.
interesting, one more 8P
(Im from Germany)

1. America stands for me for massive military strength without any real tactics. Also it stands for me for arrogance, retarded republicans, propaganda broadcast called Fox TV, inefficient government, a lot of fat people (nothing against you personally), massive waste of money. But it also stands for me for freedom and the big brother who is watching and protecting you.

2. The american vote system and also politcal system is problematic. In the election for the presidents for example. Not the one with the most votes wins but the one who won the most important states. Also the government is jammed right now since republicans and demcrats are fighting each other instead of making real solutions. They should forget their childish behavior just for a minute and look at the giant problems ahead. America is the most powerfull nation in the world but behaves like an idiot.

3. Yes i value freedom. Its ok for me if people live their way of life as long it dont affect other people.

You're right about 2 IMO, however 1. We don't go to war with everyone who disagrees with us, Like you said we do. We do not agree with the horrible things North Koreans must go through yet we aren't at war with them, for one example. If a countries "diplomatic ways" are severely different than ours, then they are most likely one of the third world/very bad countries to live in. #3, megaupload was Illegal. saying it was not right to shut it down is retarded. There is racism everywhere, not just the US, and if you think Communism is so great, why is there not a single communist country that treats its citizens right and humanely?

1) What does America stand for to you?

2) If the state of American government could be improved, how would this be done?

3) In America, there are rules to follow to keep the peace and public order; but overall people are generally free to live as they see fit. Do you value living in a country where people are allowed to be who they choose to be without having to submit to a certain lifestyle, creed, religion, or political belief system?

1. As I am Canadian, our two countries are commonly treated as one, which is unfair seeing as our government is completely different than that of the U.S.'s. Just to clear things up, I am talking about the U.S., not the whole of North America. As stated above, I also believe that the U.S. government has to start looking at our point of view before they start buying stuff with tax money. They need to get out of their mansions and take a look at the real world. Everything is fine and dandy once these officials have gotten their share. The US gov., also has a strong view that they are the ones on top of everything, but frankly, they are not. Other big countries alike to the UK, or even, Canada, have equal or maybe more resources, power, and money than what they think they have. And when the US comes screaming to countries like us, well, too bad. I mean, it's a bad enough economy in the US, and they are buying JETS??! I mean, get real.

2. Bottom line of this question is that they need a more balanced government, both having the young and old. Yes, and I meant physically. The government is mainly made up of aging people who are full of greed and are looking forwards to retirement. They could care less about the country that they are handing down to their children. Younger people, might be a little unstable, but they have got fresh minds who have a good look on the world.

3. Freedom of speech, human rights, and will are all important and valuable to a person. BUT, there is a fine line between freedom, and just not caring and totally being reckless with that privilege. People are very fortunate to live in such a country where freedom to do what you want is an everyday thing. Most people don't realize though, that, at any moment, that privilege, that responsibility, can be taken away, and replaced with harsh rules and laws. Don't abuse it.

I hope that covers everything. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
bro, im not here to have a debate, i just voiced my opinion. megaupload wasn't illegal, all that they did was download files people uploaded, which is fine. mediafire does it, that's an american hosted company.

leaving now. bye
