killed it
Just had to
nah, killed it.
/lock please
/lock please
Aww that took me ages
Especially on this slow wifi -_-
But hypocritical tp as you were sorta doing it as well....
(bet he is gonna make a massive post trying to be clever....)
Especially on this slow wifi -_-
But hypocritical tp as you were sorta doing it as well....
(bet he is gonna make a massive post trying to be clever....)
<object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":p">:p</object>
BARNEY626 wrote:
Aww that took me ages
Especially on this slow wifi -_-
But hypocritical tp as you were sorta doing it as well....
(bet he is gonna make a massive post trying to be clever....)
Especially on this slow wifi -_-
But hypocritical tp as you were sorta doing it as well....
(bet he is gonna make a massive post trying to be clever....)
I was only kidding! So I'm only making a small post being clever. <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=";)">;)</object>

Coffeey wrote:
I wholeheartedly concur, my Irish acquaintance.
TPrezzle wrote:
Watch this thread get locked for stumpism.