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[Enjin Archive] Claiming Bubbletown/ Newbarktown (i think district)
Started by [E] Mechman007

Player wanting to claim: Mechman007

Warp name to land: No Idea, I have not found any warp, but it is very close to my home (Message me if you cant get to my home thru commands?)

Screenshot of land: Will get one soon! (I will keep updating this thread with more and more info)

Reasons for wanting to claim the land: I am wanting to create a town in the area as my house is already nearby, this town has been, from what im nearly 100% sure of, abandoned since ive come on this server...

Contacted the owner? (Ingame and Forums): Yes, I have contacted the owner of bubbletown, Bubblege0 and the owner of Newbarktown (Which I think is the district of one area cause my string came up with both), r3411y, I have contacted them both via forums, will copy messages in a post below, and I have contacted Bubblege0 in game, I will contact r3411y and get screenshots of both as soon as I can get back on to the server (Lagging quite abit at this moment)

Extra note: I am very sure that this place is abandoned, alot of it is a complete mess, it looks griefed in some areas, the doors are glitched (After what ever mc update, all doors went weird and must be replaced) Part of the house looks greifed, the sugarcane farm has been frozen, and when I first started on minetown, I was able to pick up alot of sugarcane just abandoned on the ground, the portal is out, I have checked back and forward at this place and there have been no changes ever made.

I will get screenshots etc. as soon as I stop lagging, Please post if you require any more info, or want to come see the town for yourself!
This is my old forum message sent to Bubblege0 via website: "hey, I see you havnt been on in abit, I was wondering if I could claim your land 'bubbletown' I will give 2 week eviction as mods have been saying to do as the house has been untouched since I joined (A while ago) So im contacting mods on how to claim, please get back to me within 2 weeks if you are keeping the house! "

I was told by a mod to give a 2 week warning, this message I sent to him on May the 8th, so it hasnt been 2 weeks yet, but just posting to say I have had no reply yet, I will message him again if nessecary, this message I sent him isnt really the way I wanted to word it to be honest...
I sent this to r3411y today: "Hey, would I be able to claim your land 'newbarktown' in bubbletown please, the place is fully abandoned and has been like that for a long time, it is in the way of a town I am hoping to build, please get back to me asap!"
Heres the screenshot of me contacting r3411y in game just now, as you can see in the pic, it shows the area bubbletown and then newbarktown, I dunno if the second one is the district or what? But r3411y is the owner of newbarktown, anyway, I quickly logged because of spider attacking me, will get screenie of area and message to Bubblege0 soon!

P.s. What is the command to view back on sent messages? I sent one to him earlier!
Dang spider was still after me -.-

Wrote this new message quickly to Bubblege0 in game, I was rushing typing cause of darn spider, but you can get the point (also, my cropping cut off some of the words at end, but its allgood)

I will provide screenshots for area soon, please reply with what ealse to add!
P.s. Sorry if Ive given em the wrong message to claim lands, its just the dang spider was rushing me lol, if you have a beter message I should send them, please post it so I can copy and paste it to send!
As you can see here, the sugarcane farm has frozen over, when I joined minetown mayb 5 or so months ago? (forgot how long ago) all this sugarcane was just lieing on the ground in one big pile left for me to pickup, some are still standing for some reason, but the rest fell to items with the frozen water...

Will get screenshots of house soon, as soon as the skeletons leave the house, they seem like the only active ones living there ^.^
Well heres the skeletons rushing me, I am peaking thru the portal which is not lit (possibly went out somehow?) and as you can hopefully see, the glitched doors which from whatever update, all doors needed to be replaced as they went glitched like that! If you cannot see form picture, I will get a closer screenshot when I can!
Glitched doors close up (wow feels like night is forever... sorry im rushing this, the mobs r rushing me :/ )
Heres the un finnished portal? and a random hole in top of house?