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[Enjin Archive] arceusplayer11's ban appeal
Started by [E] xXx_Arceus_xXx

username: arceusplayer11

when you were banned: sunday, 13, may, 2012, 10:17

person who banned you: nemenix

why you were banned: copyright, playing ring with staff

okay, i didn't exactly ask landr0 if i could get copyright, but i thought he would be happy that i did it for him. plus, i only turned 12 the day before yesterday. i am not that old, and i make mistakes like that. i never claimed it to be my own work. whenever people asked if i built it, i would say it was landr0 who built it. also, i originally put 2 signs, one describing the event, the other tell who owned the event (me and landr0). i also gave landr0 perms to the 2 wooden doors. i also only deleted the thunder signs because i dont need 2 thunderbirds side by side and i did not want to get into copyright (even though i already was). i also invited landr0 to the warp earlier, and he said it was good, but maybe i should have waited so he could finish the original. he did not even tell a staff member about copyright. and another thing: when i asked kingmark to make copies, he threw the remains of the chests on the ship into the void. and the chests that were left over that he did not find, i did not even take anything from them. and finally, if landr0 did not want the ships there because of copyright, he should have told a staff member about it when i invited him to the warp. and what does playing ring with staff members mean? but above all, im sorry. to everyone. the staff members who were troubled by me, landr0 for me not asking for copyright, and everyone else for the event being canceled. please, punish me however you want. see post made by me below for more description.
I want to know landr0''s story too, so he will post that now. After that we will decide what we are going to do with this.

EDIT: I gtg now, dunno when i will be back, because my phone is broken. If it wouldnt be, would be able to go on the forums. For your own good, be patient.
This is what happened:

A week and a few days ago I was building my zeppelin at /warp zep5. The ship was still unfinished.

Arceusplayer11 paid me a visit and said he really liked the ship. I then told him I had a great event in mind, similar to the Ship Battle by dobs in the summer of last year. He was thrilled about it.

He asked if he could help me. I said okay. I told him I would ask a mod to copy two versions of the ship next to eachother somewhere when the ship was finished. I then had to log off.

The day after, he tells me all excited to /warp battleship (warp got removed by Nemenix). Upon arriving there, I noticed he made KingMark copy my ship twice and set up a warp.

I said he asked it too soon, since the ship wasn't finished yet. I also asked him to wait with showing people the boats, since I was planning and experimenting with the ship in Single Player.

I sent KingMark an ingame mail, asking if he could delete the unfinished ships and replace them with the finished version:

Landr0 May 5, 12 Dear Kingmark, A few days ago, I was close to finishing my zeppelin at /warp zep5. Arceusplayer11 came over to check things out. I told him that it'd be cool to have two of these ships and hold a pvp event similar to the Ship Battl]

I didn't get any response yet.

Arceusplayer11 got banned and I wasn't sure if he would come back.

Then I got elected to join the Event Staff team. I immediately thought of proposing this event idea. But since our priority goes to creating the spawn area, I decided to wait sending it in.

Today, I came online and noticed people talking about an event in the event channel. Apparently arceusplayer11 was hosting a pvp event with the two ships as an arena. I was quite startled. Then I noticed he had removed the signs I placed that I built the ship. That was a little too much for me, so I asked Nemenix to stop the event and remove the warp.

Nemenix told me a few minutes later that arceusplayer11 had already run the same event twice a couple of days ago with the help of Choco. Which kind of made me sad.

This was supposed to be an official event with much more features than just pvping. But if we'd plan to launch it now, the originality would lack, since people have already played on the ship. <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/2639.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":(">:(</object>

I feel shipwrecked D:
i dont remember the part about you telling me not to host the event, but i believe you because i usually take a quick look at a message (unless i dont understand it or it is something coming from a mod) and i have a bad memory. im sorry that i hosted your event without asking, also. if you wanted it removed, you could have asked me and i could have made a pe or contact krystalin or another mod (krystalin is one of my friends in game who is also a mod). i had no idea you did not want me to run the event. but it is my fault, for not paying attention to the message saying to not host the event or being afk while you said it or forgeting what you said. i also thought i had copyright from you because the reason i invited you that time was 1, to show you it, 2, to make you happy, and 3, to get copyright. when you said "i think it is okay, but you should have waited untill i finished my ship" or something like that, i assumed you were giving me copyright. again, it is my fault for not telling you what the invite was really for and assuming i had copyright. when landr0 got angry at me today, i thought he was angry cause he did not give me copyright. but it turns out, he was angry about running the event without permission (and maybe because he did not give me copyright). also, i removed the ownership signs ( the thunderbird signs i was talking about in my last post) because i thought they looked ugly because there were 2 of them, and i thought it would also look ugly if i only had the sign on 1 ship. the reason i did not replace the signs inside the warp place was because i did not want to keep the names of the ship because i thought even though i already had copyright (or so i thought) to make copies, i did not want to steal the name of landr0's ship. there was originally a sign indicating the warp was owned by me and landr0, and i gave him perms for the 2 wooden doors. i did not ever say i made the ships. whenever people asked, i said the ships were made by landr0, also because i did not want to get into copyright and because i thought it would be mean of me to say i made it. sorry i ran the event without permission and asking a mod to make copies of your ship without copyright, landr0. if i get unbanned, i will give you a diamond sword and full diamond armour as an appology.
and also, good going on getting elected to be an event staff member! i think you would do a really good job! in fact, i dont think so. i KNOW so! (sorry if this does not relate to my appeal)
oh, and i am 12, not 22 if you look at my account (it says 22 because i can never really be sure whether you have to be a certain age or not on other servers or websites, so i lie about my age on sites like youtube and on minecraft servers).
I don't really have a problem with you copying the ship.

But what I don't like is that you pretty much stole my idea and ship to hold an event twice without me.

It's important that you understand that you could get a large fine for doing such a thing in real life, even if it wasn't your intention to do so.

I know you're young and you didn't mean to do any harm, but you need to watch what you're doing.

I'm willing to forgive you, merely because I dislike being angry with someone.

But since this is the second time you got banned, the ban commitee might think otherwise. It's their call.

Also: Don't lie about your age, sooner or later people WILL find out and it may cause you more trouble than you ever wanted.

The age restriction some servers or websites have are there for a reason. Not just to keep the community clear of very young players, but especially to protect these players. The Internet is a gift but at the same time a curse. Not every person you meet on the Internet is a nice person.
I got 2 story sides now, i need KingMark to tell me what was asked to him. Once i know what he was told i will see what your punishment will be Arceus. In my eye's its very low that you asked landr0 if you could help him and when he said yes, that you in fact didnt work on it, that you got KingMark copying the ships for you. You even did this when Landr0 said that you should wait till the ships are ready before they should be copied and making an event with Landr0 after that, but behind his back you asked KingMurd to copy the ships before they were ready.

After that, dunno the correct time, you contacted Landr0 about the copied ships. As far as i know Landr0 wasnt happy about that, because the ships weren't ready and that also means he got to do 2 ships now. He asked you to not do any event's until the ship were ready again, but in fact, you did like 5 event's on it on 1 day, even with REMOVING the sign that LANDR0 made the ships. If this would happen to me, i would feel so betrayed, first they do things behind my back that i didnt ask for, and later than he even does make events without letting me now and added to that the copyright gets removed!

Anyway i think you did this:

You stole his ships now, because you removed the copyright.

You hosted event's before Landr0 gave permissions to do that.

Behind Landro's back you got the ships copied to the SkyLands, what Landr0 didnt want untill the ships were ready.

You didn't tell KingMark that this was Landr0's ships.

Dont get me wrong that you think that i think you are a noob, i understand that you wanted to help him, but you did lots of things without Landr0's permissions, thats the problem.

If im wrong, can you tell me why im wrong and than correct me?
okay, let me explain. i either did not hear the part about landr0 saying not to host the events or forgot that he said it. also, the reason i got kingmark to copy was because i wanted to make landr0 happy. however, i felt a little bit bad for not getting copyright, so i invited landr0nto check it out to see whether he liked it or not. he said he liked it, but i should have waited. i assumed that meant he was giving me copyright. i now know that was a mistake and that i should have asked him exactly and instead of asking him then, i should have asked him before i had kingmark copy it. and i could not have built the ship from hand, so i asked a mod+. that mod+ was kingmark. he was kind and copied it for me. i know i should have waited for landr0 to finish the ship, but 1, i get impatient, and 2, i got so excited when he agreed to let me help him that i just got kingmark to copy it before i asked landr0 for permission to copy it. i am sorry for my deeds, please find a suitable punishment for me. and please let me back on today, because while i was banned, i saw that danni is having a b-day event. and i really want to join in.

p.s. friday was my birthday, so please, give me mercy!
also, i think i told kingmark that i was copying it for landr0, or something like that. but i dont have the best memory, so dont hate me even more if im wrong.