UPDATED 5/21/2012
The Town of Cordoba is a small town that is expanding. This town went from being nothing to having over 25 residents in a very short period of time. The architecture may not look as good as, let's say, Divinities Reach, but it's still got some nice architecture and some of the friendliest people you can meet. We want you to join our town and help us expand.
Our in-game warp is /warp Cordoba.
Town Officials
Major Clan Presence
Businesses in Cordoba
Residential Lot Prices in Cordoba
Commercial Lot Prices in Cordoba
Photos of Cordoba
I should probably hire a better photographer, but this is what the town looks like.

The Town of Cordoba is a small town that is expanding. This town went from being nothing to having over 25 residents in a very short period of time. The architecture may not look as good as, let's say, Divinities Reach, but it's still got some nice architecture and some of the friendliest people you can meet. We want you to join our town and help us expand.
Our in-game warp is /warp Cordoba.
- No griefing
- Please replant trees
- Build aesthetically pleasing homes/shops
- PVP only in designated areas
- Build within your allowed plot
- No homes made out of all cobblestone or dirt (just doesn't look good)
- No advertisements on the public roads (only on permitted areas such as the public bulletin or on sandstone arches)
- Town officials have the right to resize your lot
- Town officials will notify you a week in advance to tear down a lot if it does not comply with rules
- If you have not built your home, shop, farm, etc. within 3 weeks of your purchase of the lot, it will be resold.
- More rules will come in the near future
Town Officials
- Mayor: CytoCraft
- Co-Mayor: Eric_Ma
- Assistants and Others: RazorSharpX5 and Nathan3821
Major Clan Presence
- Saito (Cyto Group Business Clan)
- Cake (RazorSharpX5)
Businesses in Cordoba
- Foxtrott01's General Store (/warp TopShop)
- Corbynozone's Shop - (/warp BlocksMillion)
- CytoCraft's Cyto Group Co. - Lava Furnace Center, Cyto Store, Cyto Group Food Factory, Marc Building
- Rollllercoaster27's Real Estate & Development + General Store
- KittyKat7766's Shop & Eric_Ma's Shop
- Guardsmen4061's Shop
- Tyrannax's TinyShop (/warp TinyShop)
Residential Lot Prices in Cordoba
- 8x8 Plot = 3G
- 10x10 Plot = 4G
- Larges Sizes by Request or Combining of Plots (Fee of 2G for Combining)
Commercial Lot Prices in Cordoba
- 10x10 Plot = 5G
- Renting/Leasing a Floor in a Building = 3G
Photos of Cordoba
I should probably hire a better photographer, but this is what the town looks like.