Honestly I could spend all night in that wave Pool.
Whos elissaf?
That's smart i like this! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":d">:d</object> they have made something to push themselves around it seems.
My life's purpose has been changed
From pushing Afk mods to thier death, to, destroying all machines that stand in my way at doing this...
Mod pushers....
From pushing Afk mods to thier death, to, destroying all machines that stand in my way at doing this...
Mod pushers....

Recruiting Mod Pushers!
Searching for :
-Men age 5-60 (as long as you can push someone)
-Women age 18-99
-A moderator/admin, because this operation will be an inside job.
To apply for Operation P.U.S.H., (People Under Surveillanced Habilitation)
Please contact myself or the staff member designated soon to apply.
Never forget.
Searching for :
-Men age 5-60 (as long as you can push someone)
-Women age 18-99
-A moderator/admin, because this operation will be an inside job.
To apply for Operation P.U.S.H., (People Under Surveillanced Habilitation)
Please contact myself or the staff member designated soon to apply.
Never forget.
elissaf is the one who made the wave pool. she is a fantastic builder.
I remember pushing sawine into the nether, and when we got him there, we dug a big hole and pushed him in and killed him. :3 He dropped nothing, ofc.