BARNEY626 wrote:
Only problem I have with roman is resources
What I will make them out of, the houses
Roofs would be brick slabs but the walls....
Sand stone is the common material but it is expensive and doesn't look too good
Stone is a bit, hard, for these types of houses
Planks just don't look right in a roman town
It is sorta hard....
Any suggestions anyone?
What I will make them out of, the houses
Roofs would be brick slabs but the walls....
Sand stone is the common material but it is expensive and doesn't look too good
Stone is a bit, hard, for these types of houses
Planks just don't look right in a roman town
It is sorta hard....
Any suggestions anyone?
Brick Slabs is a great choice, it'll look like Terracotta Tiles they use on Villas in Italy. I agree with revels on Smooth Sandstone. Sand, White Wool and Endstone may look nice too, although Endstone is a bit more on the pricey side. In some texture packs, Clay is a light-brown or reddish color and would also be acceptable.
Here is a picture of a Minecraft Villa made of wood using DokuCraft Light:

And here's one using SandGlyph (Texture Unknown)