Yes i was banned back in 2012 and was wonering if i would be able to get un banned ? please get back to me
Username: VikoTheMLG
When you were banned : I don't know i wasn't online
Person who banned you:PLJZ
Reason you were banned: Griefing i don't grief anybody i wasnt on pc 2 weeks and more and my last time thati was on in the server was 31.03.2017 and when i wanted to enter on 18.04.2017 there was kicked from the whitelist banned from this server reason griefing PLJZ
When you were banned : I don't know i wasn't online
Person who banned you:PLJZ
Reason you were banned: Griefing i don't grief anybody i wasnt on pc 2 weeks and more and my last time thati was on in the server was 31.03.2017 and when i wanted to enter on 18.04.2017 there was kicked from the whitelist banned from this server reason griefing PLJZ

skinny**** I have unbanned you awhile back. Why are you still asking

I need to be unbanned I got banned 2 years ago