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[Enjin Archive] Lucasgreen completely stole my idea and then lied about it.
Started by [E] itsprotonic

This is Itsprotonic. Over my spring break I looked at the type of shop "Player Shops" and thought it would be cool to have like a fastfood, player shop! It would be completely interactive and lots of fun! People always talked positive about it, I even made a couple of them! (/warp Drivethru (original) /warp mcmortar (2nd one) /warp nicktown (His is about to be finished. When you get there, just run to the left and you will eventually see it) I also have another one, but it's not even 25% done. Ask Wildcat_brass about it. ) Recently, Lucasgreen created a pawn shop, player shop! I thought that was cool too! I even bought and sold some stuff! Then one day he came to my drivethru and snooped around. (after he bought stuff) Then, he asked me if he could make one of these. Since, i had four, i refused and said (AND I QUOTE),"I'd rather not" He said okay. Then I had to go do other things in my real life. Today, I came on to find out that he had completely copied my fastfood player shop! So I picked a fight and all he said was,'Your offending me. Go" No, in fact I wasn't offending him at all. That was his childish excuse. Then he said,'You didn't start it anyway! I got my idea from youtube. He copied my seating. He sells stuff I sell. And he got me put in jail for one hour. So, I have decided to go research on youtube. He said that he looked up,"Minecraft fastfood restaurant" So I exactly looked up that. Here are the links to the there videos I used to compare to my shop and his.




As you can see. the seats look nothing like his. Those shops don't show that they sell ANYTHING. And he lied saying he got the idea from youtube. I would like to have your opinion on this. And please, before you post, watch the videos, and visit the warps I listed and compare them to his /warp minedonalds

Thank you for reading. I'm still in Jail:( Also, i DID call him a douche for totally stealing my idea and all that stuff. He also said I called him a copy cat. I'm not five, so no. I did not call him a "Copy Cat" If i wanted to I could call him much worse things than Copy Cat and Douche. Our little fight ended with me saying,"I hate you." and getting thrown in jail. Yes, mods were involved (Irethena) He continuously told me to go. I said ,"No, this warp is public so obviously you want anyone to be here.

Again. thanks for reading.


You can go on youtube and search Minecraft fastfood restaurant. I'm not lying at at.
Instead of neither should be punished since they're both wrong, if yu're both wrong, you should be punished. Since you were jailed, looks like you've already served your time, and its lucas's turn.

That's you view on the situation?

this means a lot to me:)
Locking this....he can build whatever he wants. If he took inspiration from someone else and made it his own, he's in his full right to do that. You can only create so many different types of shops on Minecraft. I've seen many things like his on other servers. You need to drop this issue now. If you keep it up, I will extend your jail time.

Edit: there is a difference between copying someone block for block and taking a concept and making their own.