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[Enjin Archive] How do you know if you have been banned?
Started by [E] tomosp1992

I cant connect to the server, but no ban message comes up, or nothing that I could assume is a ban message, I'm confused.

Tomosp1992, a helpful and active member of the minetown community.
You need to better describe what happens for us to help.
It just keeps on saying disconnected by server, Ive tried about 5 times in the last hour, I wanna get to my town and my clan meeting. lol
If you've been banned it'll generally say:

"You are banned from this server"


If you've been IP banned, it'll say something different. Right now the server is down for maintenance. You say you've been trying for 5 hours? Maybe it's your internet.

Anyway, try not to stress, if you've been banned I'm sure a staff member will follow it up, tell you the reason, then you can make a ban appeal.
ok, cheers.
BAN: isoccerplayer banned name 'tomosp1992': Stealing from Dimbulb's Vault

Please make your appeal in this thread.
Hi, Urmm, would it be possible for someone to give me a more specific time as to when this happened, as I had not been online for quite some time before friday morning when I tried to log on and found I was banned. Regards, Tomosp1992.
From what I understand, you engaged in a transaction with Dimbulb involving a spawner/egg. When you both made the arrangement for the trade, you both used a teleport request command at the same time, which caused you to glitch into his vault. You then proceeded to steal his stuff and then warped out. Please explain this.

Also, I will not rule on this ban until you have made a proper appeal.
Username: Tomosp1992

When you were banned : 03/05/12

Person who banned you: isoccerplayer

Reason you were banned: stealing from dimbulb's vault.

I don't know when this happened, I have been working away on the other side of the country for the last week, I woke up on friday and tried to log on for the first time since friday before and I was banned, my brother swears blind that it was not him, I don't think my account has been hacked, the only possible explenation is that my brother did it and he is lying to me, please unban me, I would be happy to refund dimbulb anything that was taken, or the value of. regards, tomosp1992
You are responsible for any actions done on your account. Keep your password for youself or put remember password off. Because you took advantage of a glitch i will unban you on 03/06/12. You will have to refund the stolen goods to a mod too.