I want to claim this abadoned town which was made by Kovax. Name of the town is Kovland but it has no warp for some reasons. I will do a PE after this post. (Kovax hasnt been online since february 2011)
Do I have to wait 2 weeks now?
fix your images
i have only the links since my computer got problems with converting them
i have only the links since my computer got problems with converting them
Yeah, you have to wait 2 weeks. Make a PE after that if he/she doesn't respond.
And after this everything is mine? (Lol Nemenix i always thought u would look a bit different XD )
damn, i wrote the name wrong. it wasnt kovax it was kovaxur
I may be wrong, but looking at the second picture it looks like a town that someone has already tried to claim. Don't go by my words though, I would just wait and see if someone replies, like Nem said! <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
All land claims are on hold until the staff adjust the rules.
You'll have to wait a few days/weeks I'm afraid. Too many people have been complaining about their land being taken etc.
You'll have to wait a few days/weeks I'm afraid. Too many people have been complaining about their land being taken etc.
hm ok :/