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[Enjin Archive] Moderator Applications
Started by [E] Lampbork

1. Minecraft Ingame Name: ThijnGamer

2. Age: 13 (for helper)

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): cest

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): 10-20

5. How long have you been in Minetown: 5days now

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: not rrly only luna is nice!

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: no

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): i was having a anarchy server for 2 weeks but not anymore, i just want to make friends and help ppl and help server.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: litterly nothing

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: (helper) becuese i can be verry nice to people and i want to help people

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: the server is verry nice and the creative server is the best! i hope it is a good apply <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f600.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":-d">:-d</object>
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Stormy_XoX

2. Age: 13

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): Central

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average):100 maybe I dont really know but when I have school maybe 25 hours

5. How long have you been in Minetown: About 5 years

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes, Alexisbean345

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, I haven't

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): No.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Some, Yes

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I think I would be a good mod because I enjoy helping people out and I feel like im pretty good at handeling situations, also i have pretty good patience and i am very kind but can be in charge if needed.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us? I know im technically too young to be a mod so I will take helper as well I would be very grateful for whatever I just would love to help out and help less problems be on Minetown. Thank you for looking <object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f642.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":)">:)</object>
Minecraft Ingame Name: AbeliaGG

Age: 26, as of original post date.

Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST; currently third-shift active hours-- weekdays around 08:00-12:00; 18:00 - 21:00. Weekends ~18:00 - 12:00, and will definitely vary.

Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): Typically, a minimum of 5 hours a week to a rough estimate of 20.

How long have you been in Minetown: About 2017? I'm not even sure anymore.

Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Everrius, AfterEffect, snowgyre, Hacerio, Druxel, Arcus, Hailey, Finn, and many more.

Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Not that I remember, but if I did, it's probably because I needed to sleep.

Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain):A few public servers, plenty of private servers, a few communities that were not strictly Minecraft-focused. Basic familiarity with administrative plugins, a lot more familiarity on how to moderate a community.

Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Bunches. Practically every other day, but mostly in voice comms, rather than in text chat. I thoroughly enjoy # legends-and-lore, though.

Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I have demonstrated time and time again that when it's needed, I can discreetly de-escalate a situation thoroughly. Or, escalate one to an involved party so that players are interested in taking their own (rule-supported) action against a problem.

Additional info you would like to tell us?: I support player agency and problem-solving skills, and a healthy dribble of rebellious spirit. It keeps the server spinning,
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: omegagamin

2. Age:16

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America ): eastern

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): 24

5. How long have you been in Minetown: 6 months

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: no

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: no

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): yes used to moderate on pvp lands

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: not much

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: i can ban hackers and spot them to stop ther server from getting hacked and i can improve a few other things.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: no not really
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: Lemminjoose

2. Age: 36

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): CST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): As crazy as it sounds, at least 40 hours.

5. How long have you been in Minetown: Approximately 3 months.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: Yes

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): no

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Yes

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I believe that I have a decent, level head, I consider myself to be fair-minded, I have been in leadership positions in other MMOs and I believe that I know what it takes to maintain a healthy online environment where everyone can feel safe and enjoy themselves.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I love this place, I really do. I know I haven't been on the server as long as some, but I have been very active since i joined and I believe I have made some good friends in that time. I want nothing more for the server than for it to remain a fun and safe environment for everyone.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name:


2. Age: 12

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America):Pacific Standard Time

Time zone in Ridgecrest, CA (GMT-<object class="emojione" data="https://resources.enjin.com/1489581540/themes/core/images/emojione/svg/1f60e.svg?0" type="image/svg+xml" standby="8)">8)</object>

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): ever since i started ive been playing for around 150 hours a week

5. How long have you been in Minetown: for about 4 months

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: not close but online just GiantWod

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, ive never been banned if that means in general

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): No , but i have been a mod in other

games such as Roblox and from what i feel people really liked me

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: No but i have talked in the Minetown MC server and im really active

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I feel like i would be a good fit beacause im really helpful and active meaning if

someone needed help i would be first to help! also when someone asks a question in the server i always try to answer it even if im wrong!

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: Im really determinated , playful , creative and very well rasied and respectful
I'm sorry Yoko, but we're going to have to deny your application on grounds of build plagiarism.
This is a subject we take extremely seriously, and to see a potential applicant claiming someone else's work as their own is very disappointing.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: JaKo58

2. Age: 16 (17 in march).

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): GMT (to be exact CET time).

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): Around 20-25 each week.

5. How long have you been in Minetown: Around 4-5 months.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: LlammaBoi

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No, I have not been banned before.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): Maybe a little bit, I once hosted a server for me and my mates and did some basic plugins, but apart from that I have little experience.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Not much, but been there a few times.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I think I get well along with other people, if they have any trouble I try to help them as I can.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

Man I love this server. The community is very good, everyone is nice. So being a mod would be absolutely amazing! Thanks for the chance, Jako.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: MatthewIsAnApple

2. Age: I'm 15, turning 16 in October of this year.

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): I don't tend to count, but my guess is around 30-40 hours, give or take a bit.

5. How long have you been in Minetown: About 3 years ago.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: I try to be friends with most people, but mostly NootNToot or TheAssassinator5 the rare times he comes online.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: No. Not any real or serious bans, just a joke ban or two for a few seconds.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): I do, but it is very little, I just know the basics of the commands used a lot.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: I have. I tend to speak on the discord at least once or twice a day.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain: I feel like I get along well with most of the community, and understanding with problems, along with being resourceful. I can often tell when people are doing something they shouldn't, and I want to be able to be there to deal with the issues that come up.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?: I really like the server, I spend a lot of my free time on it, and I feel I would get along well with not only the newer community on it's way in, but also the older community and current staff. (Also, don't mind what others may think, I'm definitely an apple.) About the joke bans...
1. Shooting the judge doesn't mean I lost, 2. I was not sus.
1. Minecraft Ingame Name: SirTZN

2. Age: 15

3. Timezone (please use GMT if you live outside of North America): EST

4. Hours per week you play on Minetown Main (Average): While I am not tracking it, I would say around 14 hours.

5. How long have you been in Minetown: ~6 Months, give or take. I have not really been tracking this. All I can say is that I play too much.

6. Any close friends you play with on Minetown?: I have one good IRL friend who plays, but the majority of my friends on minetown are current members like Matthew, Rodney, Everrius, Bumpy, Scott, Steamed, and many, many more.

7. Have you ever been banned before? Why?: Everrius banned me because I was bragging about not having any bans -_-.

8. Do you have any previous or current experience with Minecraft administration? (Please Explain): No, I do not have any prior staffing experience on Minecraft.

9. Have you spoken much on Minetown Discord?: Yes, I speak there all the time.

10. Why do you think you will make a good moderator on Minetown? Explain:

I love playing on minetown, and it has made Minecraft a lot more fun for me. This being said, I am always active and love to help with questions players may have, would gladly work out tickets, and moderate the server. I love helping out people's issues and moderating chat when it is needed. While I don't have moderation experience on Minecraft, I have been a moderator on discord and it is something I thoroughly enjoyed. I try my best to do whatever is possible for me to help in situations when necessary, whether it is with tickets, answering questions, providing guides, or de-escalating a situation.

11. Additional info you would like to tell us?:

I have been dedicated to minetown for pretty much as long as I have been playing it, and that is because I love everything about it. I would love to become a helper so I can share my love and dedication for the server with the community and the people playing it, along with answering questions, calm down tense situations, and most importantly, just be a warm, friendly helper that makes everyone who joins minetown feel welcome.