Username: LeetroyJnkns
When you were banned : 18/4/2012 Common Era
Person who banned you: *Console*
Reason you were banned: "inappropriate language"
1 hour ago
I got banned for saying "chocolate" and "pudding" in global. A few other users laughed, and I didn't know that the language filter would register these words as inappropriate after they had been substituted in by the auto correct plugn. Can you please correct this error?
36 mins ago
Reply to user · Kick
I've been afk so didn't see who banned you, you will need to make a ban appeal in this section of the forums:
Please use this format:
Yield, Zionia and Dannyboy are the only ones who deal with banned people so as soon as you have done an appeal I can get them to check it out today xx
So a machine has silenced me... Well, I say, comrades, that the resistance must go on! We can no longer let the machines prevent us from talking about our beloved chocolate and pudding! I'm with John Connor and the rest of the Resistance. Together, we can retake LA and bring down Skynet, but I can't help you until you hack the system and reverse the programming that Skynet (*Console*) has done.
When you were banned : 18/4/2012 Common Era
Person who banned you: *Console*
Reason you were banned: "inappropriate language"
1 hour ago
I got banned for saying "chocolate" and "pudding" in global. A few other users laughed, and I didn't know that the language filter would register these words as inappropriate after they had been substituted in by the auto correct plugn. Can you please correct this error?
36 mins ago
Reply to user · Kick
I've been afk so didn't see who banned you, you will need to make a ban appeal in this section of the forums:
Please use this format:
Yield, Zionia and Dannyboy are the only ones who deal with banned people so as soon as you have done an appeal I can get them to check it out today xx
So a machine has silenced me... Well, I say, comrades, that the resistance must go on! We can no longer let the machines prevent us from talking about our beloved chocolate and pudding! I'm with John Connor and the rest of the Resistance. Together, we can retake LA and bring down Skynet, but I can't help you until you hack the system and reverse the programming that Skynet (*Console*) has done.