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[Enjin Archive] I Got Banned
Started by Unknown User


Case:griefing and the sign

Other info: I am sorry for what I had done to Yield88's house in Hempville about a month ago. I will happily take jail time and or memory erase, just please i would do what ever it takes to go back on Minetown because it is the best multiplayer server I have ever been on. I hope Yield88 understands that i'm truly sorry and that I will never do that again. I hope that one day I will become great friends with Yield88 and all of the other Minetown citizens, all i need is a chance.

Truly sorry,Guppy352

hey man Its me and you know you havent got to my lil brothers ban appeal so whatever but i dont want jail time but plz just unban him really
Please message a member of the ban appeal committee to notify them of this outstanding appeal: Yield, Dannyboy or Zionia
Ok, first off, it wasn't my house. I want to establish this first off so it doesn't seem like I am being biased from the get go. From reading your post, I don't think that you understand exactly what you have done. Someone spent a great amount of time gathering the resources, clearing the land, and building the house. Why would you even think it would be acceptable for you to just set it up in flames? From reading the OP, I feel like you are just sorry that you were caught. Make me believe that you are absolutely and positive-ally remorseful for invalidating the time that that member put into their house.
I'll give you time to think about it but it wasn't me who burned down the house... i honestly thought the house was abandoned and that I just thought that it would of been fine. How ever I didn't orriginaly want to do it. It wasnt me who did the sign. I was trying to get rid of the sign. I tried to get rid of the fire but just as i got the fire my screen was blank and I couldn't see. Why? because i was banned. I know it wasn't the best idea and now that ive noticed that there's so much more to Minetown I'm just really sorry i did that.I kind of wished that I never did that. I also wanted to take out my anger because someone else has griefed my house and set it on fire just before and they had also destroyed my wall I took my time on. So then i went over to a house with my friends and started help him. I was trying to talk him out of it though... It didn't work. I'm sorry I did that, and after i relized it was your old house i didn't mean it. I will do anything. I mean like taking time in jail or getting my memory erased... I don't care I just want to go back on to minetown and I promise i will never, and i mean never do that dumb thing i have done that day... you can ask my pal Death0003 that someone has griefed my house... I'm just sorry and I hope that ine day griefing will stop in the utopian town of Minetown...

I never meaned for this to happen,

P.S. Really sorry

P.S.S. Super sorry

LOCO, keep it on your own appeal, don't comment on others.
Guppy if you were trying to get rid of the sign the logs would have said so.
Yield please let me and my brother back on we will not cause you or the mods anymore trouble ever again
I remember this night clearly. Your name came up in the flint and steel alerts and I teleported to you and watched you for a bit before I banned you. The fact that you are trying to lie your way out of it now isn't going to help you. As for your brother, he was told way too many times to stop. Not only did he allow you on to his account (which he is solely accountable for) but he also harassed numerous members of the staff. Despite being warned, more than a sufficient number of times, to stop.
I also found this screen I took from that night... Unless I'm mistaken, you are the one that placed the one that says 'go fuck yourself'