HKX-4-7 wrote:
That's it? Not even 2 pages of questions? I'm insulted... Everyone else gets asked questions, and nobody cares to ask me any -_-
<>Roundhouse Kicks Minetown in teh Balls<>
That's it? Not even 2 pages of questions? I'm insulted... Everyone else gets asked questions, and nobody cares to ask me any -_-
<>Roundhouse Kicks Minetown in teh Balls<>
2 pages? man, ive only had 2 questions on mine, but if you want more, then here you go <object class="emojione" data="" type="image/svg+xml" standby=":evil:">:evil:</object> :
1. what do you look like under the metal exterior (going by your current avatar here);
a. wires
b. like a darlek (dr. who for those who dont know), a fleshy blob controling the suit
c. like darth vader (i assume everyone knows the scene im talking about where he takes off his helmet)
2. what would you do if some one painted you pink?
3. how are you with magnets / electricity / and water?
4. your confronted with a bunny, quick, what do you do?
oh, and btw, no dents in my steel sheres from that thing you call a kick